Fundamentals of Psychological Research

Psychology journals in the UW Libraries

Many Psychology journals are now located online. Look for links to the text of an article within the research database you are using (PsycINFO, PubMed and Medline, Social Work Abstracts, etc.) PsycARTICLES provides instant text for journals published by the American Psychological Association and allied organizations since 1988.

Browsing in the UW Libraries Web site under Psychology will allow you to identify a number of databases useful for finding citations to Psychology literature

When in doubt whether a journal title is available through the Libraries, search the UW Library catalog by title of the journal. If we have an online version, the link will appear in the journal record.

Most Psychology research materials can be found in three libraries:

  1. Suzzallo/Allen Library [human cognition, quantitative techniques, personality and clinical psychology, developmental psychology, educational and social psychology]

  2. Social Work Library [social work and social welfare, specifically aging, children and youths, crime, ethnicity, families, health care, housing, mental health, poverty, social policy, and welfare]
  3. Health Sciences Libraries [animal behavior, physiological and sensory bases of behavior, psychiatry and neuropsychology, psychopharmacology]

>> Ask for help from a librarian if you cannot find the journals you need. <<

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