Grateful Recipient of the IFIP Fellowship Award (2022)

In recognition of my academic contributions and standing in the field of information processing the General Assembly of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) elevated me to the status of IFIP Fellow.

The Federation’s most prestigious award and distinction is the title of IFIP Fellow, which is conferred by the IFIP General Assembly on a current or past member of an IFIP body (e.g. WG, TC, GA, Domain Committee, IP3) in recognition of outstanding contributions in the field of information processing, in the role of a Technical Leader, Scientist, Engineer, or Educator.

Established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO, IFIP is the global organization for researchers and professionals working in the field of information and communication technologies. Recognized by the United Nations, IFIP links some 50 national and international societies and academies of science with a total membership of over half a million professionals.

In 2021, I was pleased by receiving the IFIP Service Award for my service to the field, in general, and inside IFIP working groups, in particular.

In 2020, the Digital Government Society had also recognized my academic impact on the field by making me an inaugural Fellow of this distinct professional society.

More information on 2022 IFIP Fellows can be found under

I am grateful for and humbled by these recognitions of my research impact and service contributions to the two domains of digital government and disaster information management.

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