Classification | Description | Notes |
Boutonnière deformity | Fragment from the dorsal base of the middle phalanx | Avulsion of the central slip of the extensor tendon |
Volar plate avulsion | Fragment from the volar base of the middle phalanx | Often soft tissue injury only |
Jersey Finger | Fragment arising from the volar base of the distal phalanx with hyperextension | Avulsion of the Flexor Digitorum Profundus |
Mallet Finger | Fragment arising from the dorsal base of the distal phalanx with fixed flexion | Avulsion of the extensor tendon. Chronic injury can result in swan-neck deformity (hyperextension PIP) |
Wieschhoff GG, Sheehan SE, Wortman JR, Dyer GS, Sodickson AD, Patel KI, et al. Traumatic Finger Injuries: What the Orthopedic Surgeon Wants to Know. Radiographics. 2016;36(4):1106-28.