Psychology 426
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
Spring Quarter 2016
(MW 8:30-10:20; BNS 203)

This site will be periodically updated. Last update 03/27/16.

I.  Instructor
Jeansok J. Kim, G321
Office Hour:  Thurs 8-9 AM
Phone:  616-2685

II.  Scope of Class
Learning and memory produce changes in the central nervous system. In this course, we will examine behavioral, neuroanatomical, cellular, and molecular aspects of learning and memory in vertebrates. The learning phenomena that we will consider range from nonassociative or nonrelational learning (a single stimulus learning) to associative or relational learning (the learning of a relation between two or more stimuli or between a stimulus and response).

III.  Course Requirements
A midterm, a final, and a paper will contribute to your course grade (midterm 40%, final 40%, paper 20%). The exam format will include multiple choice and essay questions; material will cover both lecture materials and reading assignments. The final will not be cumulative. Paper format should follow APA guidelines, and the topic (on learning and memory) must be pre-approved by the instructor. The paper (8-10 pages of text) should be typed, double spaced, and include a minimum of 5 references. The paper is due Friday, May 27 (before midnight), via email.   

IV. Class Policy
Students are expected to take exams on assigned dates/times. Makeup exams, consisting entirely of essay questions, will be granted only with PRIOR PERMISSION BASED UPON DOCUMENTED EMERGENCY (such as severe illness, death in the family). If a student fails to arrange and take a makeup exam within a week of the original exam date, then he/she will receive zero credit. NEITHER lecture notes nor powerpoint files will be provided. Students are expected to earn their grades through personal mastery of the course material. Any attempt to earn grades by cheating/dishonesty will result in disciplinary action and an automatic grade of “fail” for the course. The instructor will strictly follow university regulations concerning requests for incompletes.

V.  Readings
Students are responsible for reading articles below and “Explorers of the Black Box” book by Susan Allport. There will be questions from the book only in the final exam.

VI.  Class Outline (TENTATIVE)

Week 1 (Mar 28)     Historical perspectives, basic concepts and taxonomy of memory
- Lashley KS (1950) In search of the engram. Society of Experimental Biology Symposium 4: 478-505.
- Sherry DF, Schacter DL (1987) The evolution of multiple memory systems. Psychological Review 94: 439-454.

Week 2 (Apr 4)        Habituation and sensitization: a single stimulus learning
- Thompson RF, Spencer WA (1966) Habituation: A model phenomenon for the study of neuronal substrates of behavior. Psychological Review 73: 16-43.
- Groves PM, Thompson RF (1970) Habituation: A dual-process theory. Psychology Review 77: 419-450.

Week 3 (Apr 11)      Motor learning:  Conditioned eyeblink respons
- Christian KM, Thompson RF (2003) Neural substrates of eyeblink conditioning: acquisition and retention. Learning & Memory 11: 427-455.
- Krupa DJ, Thompson JK, Thompson RF (1993) Localization of a memory trace in the mammalian brain. Science 260: 989-991.

Week 4 (Apr 18)      Candidate cellular mechanisms of information storage
Malenka RC, Nicoll RA (1999) Long-term potentiation—a decade of progress? Science, 285: 1870-1874
- Morris RGM., Anderson E, Lynch GS, Baudry M (1986) Selective impairment of learning and blockade of long-term potentiation by an N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonist, AP5. Nature 319: 774-776.                                 

Week 5 (Apr 18)      Emotional learning: Pavlovian and instrumental fear conditioning   
Kim JJ, Jung MW (2006) Neural circuits and mechanisms involved in Pavlovian fear conditioning: a critical review. Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Review 30: 188-202.
- Miserendino MJD, Sananes CB, Melia KR, Davis M (1990) Blocking of acquisition but not expression of conditioned fear-potentiated startle by NMDA antagonists in the amygdala. Nature 345: 716-718.
- Choi J-S, Cain CK, LeDoux JE (2010) The role of amygdala nuclei in the expression of auditory signaled two-way active avoidance in rats. Learning & Memory 17: 139-147.

MIDTERM (Apr 27)

Week 6 (May 2)       Modulation and consolidation of memory formation
- McGaugh JL (2000) Memory—a century of consolidation. Science 287: 248-251.
- McDonald RJ, White NM (1993) A triple dissociation of memory systems: hippocampus, amygdala, and dorsal striatum. Behavioral Neuroscience 107: 3-22.
- Kim JJ, Baxter MG (2001) Multiple brain-memory systems: the whole does not equal the sum of its parts. Trends in Neuroscience 24: 324-330.

Week 7 (May 9)       Spatial learning and the hippocampus
- Muller R (1996) A quarter of a century of place cells. Neuron 17: 979-990.
- Morris RGM, Garrud P, Rawlins JNP, O’Keefe J (1982) Place navigation impaired in rats with hippocampal lesions. Nature 297: 681-683.
-Wilson MA, McNaughton BL (1994) Reactivation of hippocampal ensemble memories during sleep. Science 265: 676-679.

Week 8 (May 16)     Genetic dissections of learning: mutant mice studies                                       
- Grant SGN, Silva AJ (1994) Targeting learning. Trends in Neuroscience 17: 71-75.
- Silva AJ, Paylor R Wehner JM, Tonegawa S (1992) Impaired spatial learning in -calcium-calmodulin kinase II mutant mice. Science 257: 206-211.
Chen L, Bao S, Lockard JM, Kim JJ, Thompson RF (1996) Impaired classical eyeblink conditioning in cerebellar lesioned and purkinje cell degeneration (pcd) mutant mice. Journal of Neuroscience 16: 2828-2838.

Week 9 (May 23)     Recognition memory in nonhuman primates
- Mishkin M (1982) A memory system in the monkey. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 298: 85-95.
Zola-Morgan SM, Squire LR (1990) The primate hippocampal formation: evidence for a time-limited role in memory storage. Science 250: 288-290.

Week 10 (May 30*)  Human memory: normal and amnesic studies
- Corkin S (2002) What’s new with the amnesic patient H.M.? Nature Reviews Neuroscience 3: 153-160.
- Bechara A, Tranel D, Damasio H, Adolphs R, Rockland C, Damasio AR (1995) Double dissociation of conditioning and declarative knowledge relative to the amygdala and hippocampus in humans. Science 269: 1115-1118.

June 7 (Tuesday)       FINAL EXAMINATION, 8:30-10:20, BNS 203

*Holiday: May 30 Memorial Day

VII. Paper
Your paper topic must be PRE-APPROVED by the instructor (e-mail your paper topic by 4/29, Fri; one pt per day will be deducted after midnight), and your paper has to be UNIQUE to this class (no recycling or co-submission with another course). The paper due date is May 27, Friday via e-mail, and the paper should closely follow the format listed below:
1. The paper should be typed (1.25 inch margins all sides), double-spaced, left justified, and include a minimum of 5 references. The content of the paper should be a review in style, concluding with your personal viewpoint on the subject topic.
2. The references can be from research and review journal articles, books and book chapters; but NOT from internet and popular reading sources (such as newspapers, popular magazines).
3. A title page including your name and UW ID# (separate page, numbered page 1).
4. A brief abstract summarizing the paper (separate page, numbered page 2).
5. Approximately 8 to 10 pages of text (start on a new page, numbered page 3).
6. Each text citation should be listed alphabetically in the reference section (separate page).
7. Name your .doc or .pdf file as First name_Last name (e.g., Husky_Washington.doc).
*Points will be deducted if the paper format is not satisfied. Late submission will be penalized 5 points per day (beginning May 28 12:00:01 am; verified by the time-stamped e-mail).

Class Resources:


4 >= 95
3.9 94
3.8 93
3.7 92
3.6 91-90
3.5 89-88
3.4 87-86
3.3 85-83
3.2 82-80
3.1 79-78
3 77-76
2.9 75-74
2.8 73
2.7 72-71
2.6 70-69
2.5 68-66
2.4 65
2.3 64
2.2 63
2.1 62
2 61-60