
Shawn Walker Accepts Position at ASU

Dr. Spiro to speak at the UW Research Exposed! Seminar

Dr. Spiro and collaborators win honorable mention at CSCW

Upcoming Presentation: Social Interaction in Activity-Based Online Communities

This week I am attending the Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), held here in Seattle, WA. On Wednesday I will be presenting “Social Interaction in Activity-Based Online Communities” joint work with Prof. Zack W. Almquist at the Networks and Social session. Title: Social Interaction in Activity-Based Online Communities Abstract: People adjust not only their opinions, but also their behaviors based on both direct and indirect interaction. Questions about influence are particularly salient for activity-based behaviors, (e.

Upcoming Presentation: What Should Count?

New Project: Mass Convergence of Attention During Crisis Events

Mass Convergence of Attention During Crisis Events Emma S. Spiro (PI). (07/2015-06/2018) Army Research Office Young Investigator Program: $150,000.00. Abstract: When crises occur, including natural disasters, mass casualty events, political and social protests, etc., we observe potentially drastic changes in social behavior. Local citizens, emergency responders and aid organizations flock to the physical location of the event. Global onlookers turn to communication and information exchange platforms to seek and disseminate event-related content.

Teaching a New Class this Spring: INFX 576 Social Network Analysis

This spring I will be teaching a new class here at the UW iSchool. Details below! INFX 576: Social Network Analysis Social network analysis (SNA) has become a widely applied method in research and business for understanding the complex structure of relationships between individuals, organizations, and other entities. With the growing popularity of social networking websites and social media, network-based data have become commonplace in academia and industry, and the demand for individuals with expertise in the area of SNA has dramatically increased.

Upcoming Presentation: Taming ‘Data in the Wild: The Promises and Pitfalls of Big Social Data for Demographic Research

Next week I will be presenting some recent joint work, with colleagues Hedy Lee, TylerMcCormick and Nina Cesare here at the UW Department of Sociology, at the 6th International Conference on Social Informatics (SocInfo) Workshop: Social Scientists Working with Start-ups. Title: Taming “Data in the Wild”: The Promises and Pitfalls of Using Social Media Data for Demographic Research Abstract: The digital traces left behind on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook are becoming increasingly valued sources of social data among scientists – including those interested in demographic and population research.

Upcoming Presentation: Online Information Behaviors During Disaster Events

Next week I will be speaking at the UW Center for Statistics and the Social Science Seminar. I will be presenting recent joint work with Harrison Reeder, Carleton Colleege and Tyler McCormick, UW Department of Sociology and Statistics. Online Information Behaviors During Disaster Events: Roles, Routines, and Reactions Abstract: Social media and Internet-based messaging systems are increasingly important platforms for risk communication. A global audience turns to these tools to seek, disseminate, and curate time-sensitive, emergency information during periods of crisis.

New Project: Detecting Misinformation Flows in Social Media Spaces During Crisis Events

Detecting Misinformation Flows in Social Media Spaces During Crisis Events Starbird, Kate (PI), Emma S. Spiro (Co-PI), and Robert Mason (Co-PI). (09/2014-09/2016) National Science Foundation [#IIS-1420255]: $467,629.00. Abstract: This research seeks both to understand the patterns and mechanisms of the diffusion of misinformation on social media and to develop algorithms to automatically detect misinformation as events unfold. During natural disasters and other hazard events, individuals increasingly utilize social media to disseminate, search for and curate event-related information.