Teaching a New Class this Spring: INFX 576 Social Network Analysis

This spring I will be teaching a new class here at the UW iSchool. Details below!

INFX 576: Social Network Analysis

Social network analysis (SNA) has become a widely applied method in research and business for understanding the complex structure of relationships between individuals, organizations, and other entities. With the growing popularity of social networking websites and social media, network-based data have become commonplace in academia and industry, and the demand for individuals with expertise in the area of SNA has dramatically increased. Reasoning about social network data requires an interdisciplinary set of skills, including familiarity with concepts and methods distinct from standard techniques.

This course will offer students a practical, hands-on introduction to the common methods and analytical tools of social network analysis. Student will learn how to collect social network data from both online and offline sources. Students will practice applying and interpreting network analysis methods to answer important questions within the social network domain, including who are key individuals in social systems, how do diseases or information spread across social networks, and how do certain social phenomena lead to particular substructures within networks? After this course students will be able to design and execute network analysis projects in a variety of substantive domains.

More information can be found here.
