(a) System-on-chip (SOC) integrated
Silicon-based CMOS/SiGe RF and millimeter-wave
front-ends for high data rate (Gb/s) wireless body/personal area network (WBAN,
WPAN) communication, high-efficiency/high-linearity power amplifier, digitally
controlled transceiver front-end, phased-array multi-beam forming/nulling
system, communication radar and sensors for detection applications ranging from
disease control, hand-held medical scanners for bio-medical applications to
portable weapon scanners for military applications.
(b) New promising research area of Radio
Frequency (RF) Nanotechnology an enabling area bridging the foundations of nanoscience and its wide band radio-frequency applications,
through microwaves up to the optical range. Nanoelectronics
offers the gateway to a new generation of highly integrated multifunctional
devices, circuits and systems.
integrated circuits and devices beyond millimeter-wave such as sub-millimeter
wave and terahertz frequency region which promises a wide range of applications
in engineering, science and medicine, such as detecting numerous diseases to
inspecting food through its packaging.
(d) Integrated circuits development in the area
of microwave/millimeter-wave energy harvesting.
Proposals and Funding
(a) Title: "Low SWAP-C Remote ID Device for UAS", NASA SBIR Phase-II (Extension) with Industry Partner KalScott Engineering Inc.
Funding: $183,800 (PI), Jan'24~Dec'24
(b) Title: "Chip-based ADS-B for High Density, Low Altitude UAV Operations", NASA SBIR Phase-II (Extension) with Industry Partner KalScott Engineering Inc.
Funding: $73,976 (PI), Aug'23~Dec'23
(c) Title: "Low SWAP-C Remote ID Device for UAS", NASA SBIR Phase-II with Industry Partner KalScott Engineering Inc.
Funding: $150,000 (PI), Aug'22~Aug'23
(d) Title: "Chip-based ADS-B for High Density, Low Altitude UAV Operations", NASA SBIR Phase-II with Industry Partner KalScott Engineering Inc.
Funding: $289,961 (PI), Aug'20~Aug'22
(e) Title: "Chip-based ADS-B for High Density, Low Altitude UAV Operations", NASA SBIR Phase-I with Industry Partner KalScott Engineering Inc.
Funding: $40,000 (PI), Aug'19~Feb'20
(f) Title: "Reliability Studies of CMOS Radio Frequency
Integrated Circuits (RFIC) for Ultra-Thin Flexible Packages", NextFlex/Uniqarta Inc.
Funding: $36,294 (PI), May'17~Dec'17
(g) Title: "II-NEW: Probe Station to Characterize Body
Area Network Sensor ICs for Cyber Physical Systems Applications", NSF
Funding: $362,865 (PI),
"Tunable Power Amplifier for Smart Phones", North Dakota Department of
Commerce, Venture Grant Phase-I
Funding: $100,000 (PI),
(i) Title: "CMOS RFIC Development for Automatic
Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Systems", Center of Research
Excellence (CORE) Limited Deployment Cooperative Airspace Project: NDSU ADS-B
Miniaturization Program
Funding: $94,544 (PI),
(j) Title: "CMOS
Integrated Beam Former with Conformal Phased Array Antenna for Wireless
Communications", ND NASA EPSCoR
Funding: $32,400 (PI), Oct'12~Dec'13
"Ultra-compact ultra-low power wireless radio node for Body/Personal Area
Networks", DARPA/STO
Funding: $250,000
(Co-PI), Apr'11~Jul'12
(l) Title: "Broadband High Frequency
Measurement Set-up, Design-kit Development for RFIC Design and Radio
Architecture Planning", Samsung Electro Mechanics
Funding: $30,000 (PI),
(m) Title: "Multi-beam
Beam Forming/Nulling Analog Pre-processor and Millimeter-Wave Highly
Efficient Linearized Transmitter", DARPA LEAP Funding: Free tape-out
opportunity in IBM 45nm SOI CMOS; equivalent to about $100,000 (Co-PI), Sept'09~Aug'10
Characterization Set-up and Some Developed Silicon-based Radio Frequency
Integrated Circuits (RFIC)

RFIC Characterization Set-up
at University of Washington, Tacoma

RFIC Characterization Set-up
at North Dakota State University

CMOS ADS-B Transmitter
ADS-B Power Amplifier

60GHz CMOS Switching PA 94GHz CMOS
Switching PA

2GHz CMOS Integrated Phase Shifter 45GHz CMOS Vector Modulator

45GHz High-Power/High-Efficiency
45GHz CMOS Injection-Locked VCO

60GHz CMOS Linear PA

60GHz SiGe Tunable PA
CMOS Transmitter