Tsunami Deposits and their Role in Hazard Mitigation (June, 2005) – This web page contains information from a workshop focused on the application of the geologic record of tsunamis. Earth scientists from all over the world convened in June of 2005 to discuss issues brought to the forefront of research by the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake and its global tsunami.
Tsunami Warning Centers
Pacific Tsunami Warning Center -Areas of responsibility - warnings for Pacific basin teletsunamis to almost every country around the Pacific rim and to most of the Pacific island states. Interim warning center for Indian Ocean, Caribbean Sea & South China Sea
West Coast/Alaska Tsunami Warning Center - Areas of Responsibility - U.S. West, Alaskan, Atlantic, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Gulf of Mexico coasts as well as the east and west coasts of Canada
Tsunami-Related Blogs
- Jody Bourgeois—Paleotsunami Travels
- Hig (Bretwood Higman) blogs about Alaska resources and other topics
- Tsunami Project Tsunami Project (Dr. Brian McAdoo)
- Paleoseismicity Paleoseismology, archaeoseismology, neotectonics, earthquake archaeology, earthquake engineering and related topics
- AGU Blogosphere American Geophysical Union