Welcome to the Neuroscience for Kids Newsletter.
In this issue:
Neuroscience for Kids had several new additions in September including:
A. September Neuroscience for Kids Newsletter was archived
The Neuroscience for Kids "Site of the Month" for October is "Brain Posts (Neuroscience Medicine " at:
Brain Posts is a blog created by Bill Yates, M.D. In the blog, Dr. Yates helps interpret new research so the general public can understand the world of neuroscience. What makes the blog fun is the way the site is set up. Users of the site have the choice of reading posts from several different styles including classic, flipcard, magazine, mosaic, sidebar, snapshot and timeslide. With new articles appearing several times each month, you are sure to find something interesting.
Later this month I will be traveling to India for the sixth time to teach neuroscience to a group of Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns. If you like, you can follow me on my trip through my blog at http://neuroinindia.blogspot.com where I will be posting stories as often as possible.
The Dana Foundation is sponsoring the sixth annual Design a Brain Experiment Competition for high school students (grades 9-12). The first place winner receives $500 and the second place winner receives $250. The experiments must be submitted by a high school teacher, school official, or after school program coordinator. The guidelines and entry form are available at:
The Society for Neuroscience has announced the winners of the 2016 Brain Awareness Video Contest:
First Place: Hearing Red, Tasting Blue: When the Senses Mix!
Second Place: Your Babbling Brain
Third Place: Unlocking DressGate
Honorable Mention: The Nose Knows: Smell, Memory, and Emotion
You can watch all of the top ten videos at:
A. The New Science of Exercise by Mandy Oaklander (TIME magazine, September 12-19, 2016). If you want to learn more about the brain and exercise, see my TV show at: http://uwtv.org/series/brainworks/
B. Attention, Please. Earl Miller Want to Make Us All Smarter by Adam Piore (DISCOVER magazine, October, 2016.
C. A Mind in Time by Adam Hadhazy (DISCOVER magazine, October, 2016).
D. Think Outside the Brain by Mallory Locklear (DISCOVER magazine, October, 2016).
E. Zika Goes Viral by Robert L. Dorit (AMERICAN SCIENTIST, September-October, 2016).
F. Building a See-Through Brain by Karl Deisseroth (SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, October, 2016).
A. Squid ink contains the neurotransmitter dopamine and its precursor L-dopa (Source: Lucero, M.T., Farrington, H. and Gilly, W.F., Quantification of L-dopa and dopamine in squid ink: Implications for Chemoreception, Biol. Bull. 187: 55-63, 1994.)
B. Celosia cristata is the name of a plant also known as the Brain celosia because its flowers look like a brain.
C. The River Brain is located in Essex, England.
D. The Magic Brain Cafe is a coffee shop in Cape May, NJ.
E. The word afferent comes from the Latin word meaning to carry.
Help Neuroscience for Kids
Your comments and suggestions about this newsletter and the "Neuroscience for Kids" web site are always welcome. If there are any special topics that you would like to see on the web site, just let me know.
Eric H. Chudler, Ph.D.
(e-mail: chudler@u.washington.edu)