TOP 2025: An Update to the Transparency and Openness Promotion Guidelines.
S. Grant, K. S. Corker, D. T. Mellor, S. L. K. Stewart, A. G. Cashin, M. Lagisz, … B. A. Nosek.
Open Science Framework (2024)
A new approach to peer review assessments: Score, then rank.
Gallo, Stephen A., Michael Pearce, Carole J. Lee, and Elena A. Erosheva.
Research Integrity and Peer Review 8.1 (2023): 1-16.
Gender-based homophily in collaborations across a heterogeneous scholarly landscape
YS Wang, CJ Lee, JD West, CT Bergstrom, EA Erosheva
Plos one 18 . 4 (2023): e0283106
[version of record] [visualization] [talk] [preprint]
Certified Amplification: An emerging scientific norm and ethos
CJ Lee
Philosophy of Science 89.5 (2022): 1002-1012
Refinement: Measuring informativeness of ratings in the absence of a gold standard
S Grant, M. Meilă, E Erosheva, CJ Lee
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 75.3 (2022): 593-615.
What is metascience? Part 2: Institutions, networks, and future priorities
CJ Lee
Metascience 2021 Conference.
When zero may not be zero: A cautionary note on the use of inter-rater reliability in evaluating grant peer review
EA Erosheva, P Martinková, CJ Lee
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 184.3 (2021): 904-919.
[version of record] [AIBS data] [NIH data] [interactive application]
The reference class problem for credit valuation in science
CJ Lee
Philosophy of Science 87.5 (2020): 1026-1036.
Alternative grant models might perpetuate Black-white funding gaps
CJ Lee, S Grant, EA Erosheva
The Lancet 396.10256 (2020): 955-956.
NIH peer review: Criterion scores completely account for racial disparities in overall impact scores
EA Erosheva, S Grant, MC Chen, MD Lindner, RK Nakamura, CJ Lee
Science Advances 6.23 (2020): eaaz4868.
[version of record] [supplement] [data and code] [talk]
Promoting gender equity in grant making: What can a funder do?
SNE Alvarez, R Jagsi, SB Abbuhl, CJ Lee, ER Myers
The Lancet 393.10171 (2019): e9-e11.
A dispositional account of aversive racism
CJ Lee
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Cognitive Science Society (2018): 1990-1995.
Collective implicit attitudes: A stakeholder conception of implicit bias
CJ Lee
Proceedings of the 40th Annual Cognitive Science Society (2018): 1996-2001.
Making science transparent by default: Introducting the TOP statement
I. Aalbersberg, T. Appleyard, S. Brookhart, T. Carpenter, M. Clarke, S. Curry,… S. Vazire.
Open Science Framework (2018).
Promote scientific integrity via journal peer review data
CJ Lee, D Moher
Science 357.6348 (2017): 256-257.
Revisiting current causes of women's underrepresentation in science
CJ Lee
In J Saul & M Brownstein (Eds.), Implicit Bias and Philosophy Volume 1: Metaphysics and Epistemology (Oxford University Press, 2016): 265-282.
Commensuration bias in peer review
CJ Lee
Philosophy of Science 82.5 (2015): 1272-1283.
Asian Americans, positive stereotyping, and philosophy
CJ Lee
American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies 14.1 (2014): 2-7.
The limited effectiveness of prestige as an intervention on the health of medical journal publications
CJ Lee
Episteme 10.4 (2013): 387-402.
Bias in peer review
CJ Lee, CR Sugimoto, G Zhang, B Cronin
Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology 64.1 (2013): 2-17.
A Kuhnian critique of psychometric research on peer review
CJ Lee
Philosophy of Science 79.5 (2012): 859-870.
Social biases and solutions for procedural objectivity
CJ Lee, CD Schunn
Hypatia 26.2 (2011): 352-373.
Reclaiming Davidson's methodological rationalism as Galilean idealization in psychology
CJ Lee
Philosophy of the Social Sciences 40.1 (2010): 84-106.
Philosophy journal practices and opportunities for bias
CJ Lee, CD Schunn
American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 10.1 (2010): 5-10
Applied cognitive psychology and the "strong replacement" of epistemology by normative psychology
CJ Lee
Philosophy of the Social Sciences 38.1 (2008): 55-75.
The representation of judgment heuristics and the generality problem
CJ Lee
Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society 29 (2007): 1211-1216.
Gricean charity: The Gricean turn in psychology
CJ Lee
Philosophy of the social sciences 36.2 (2006): 193-218.