BES 301A



If you are sick, stay home. It's OK. It happens.

If you have been exposed to anyone with COVID, stay home.

If I am sick or exposed to COVID, I will stay home. My hope is that I will continue to be able to offer class remotely with a Zoom session at our usual time to replace our normal in person session. I am vaccinated for both flu and COVID.

If you need to attend our face-to-face class remotely, you may do so. Please email me beforehand, and complete the Zoom Attendance Pledge in Canvas. Keep in mind that our in-person classes are designed to help you complete this course, so attending either in person or remotely will help you a lot.

Info about the UW's response to COVID-19, including current policies, is posted here.

I'm happy to talk to you about accommodations for more serious illnesses.