Criteria for Reviewing New Courses and Course Changes
The UWB Curriculum Committee will review new courses and
course changes with questions such as those listed below in mind.
- Was the course reviewed and approved by program faculty?
The signature of the program chair will be taken as
certification that the appropriate review procedures
for that program were followed.
- Is it appropriate for the proposed level, i.e., 100, 200, 300, 400, 500?
The justification section on the course form should address the
level of the course.
- Does the course duplicate content in courses offered in other
programs? If appropriate, have other programs been involved
in developing this course?
- Does the title convey course content?
Does the abbreviated title for the transcript (the 19-character
abbreviation), make sense? I.e., does it convey the meaning of
the course title in as clear as can be in 19 characters?
(This is important as often this is all that is known of a course.)
- Is the syllabus clear and complete? Syllabi should include
- A well-defined course description with clearly
defined goals and objectives
- Learning objectives
- A list of readings
- A clear description of assignments
- Clear delineation of criteria for evaluation (grading)
- Course assignments and means of evaluation that are
aligned with the course level, goals and objectives
- A statement of
disability supposrt services
- A statement of
academic and behavior conduct
- Do the course goals, objective, assignments, and means of
evaluations support the campus mission? Are they all consistent
with university policies (e.g., cannot require attendance)?