This unit will enable teachers to address the Essential Academic Learning Requirements (EALRs) created by the Washington State Commission on Student Learning in the following areas:
1. The student understands and uses different skills and strategies to read.
- 1.1 Use word recognition skills and strategies to read and comprehend text
1.2 Use vocabulary (word meaning) strategies to comprehend text
1.3 Build vocabulary through wide reading
2. The student understands the meaning of what is read.
- 2.1 Demonstrate evidence of reading comprehension
2.2 Understand and apply knowledge of text components to comprehend text
2.3 Expand comprehension by analyzing, interpreting, and synthesizing information
and ideas in literary and informational text
2.4 Think critically and analyze author’s use of language, style, purpose, and
perspective in informational and literary text
3. The student reads different materials for a variety of purposes.
- 3.1 Read to learn new information
3.4 Read for literary/narrative experience in a variety of genres
4. The student sets goals and evaluates progress to improve reading.
- 4.1 Assess reading strengths and need for improvement
4.2 Develop interests and share reading experiences
1. The student understands and uses a writing process.
To meet this standard, the student:
- 1.1. Prewrites to generate ideas and plan writing
1.2. Produces draft(s)
1.3. Revises to improve text
1.4. Edits text
1.5. Publishes text to share with audience
1.6. Adjusts writing process as necessary
2. The student writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes.
To meet this standard, the student:
- 2.1. Adapts writing for a variety of audiences
2.2. Writes for different purposes
2.3. Writes in a variety of forms/genres
3. The student writes clearly and effectively.
To meet this standard, the student:
- 3.1. Develops ideas and organizes writing
3.2. Uses appropriate style
3.3. Knows and applies appropriate grade level writing conventions
4. The student analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of written work.
To meet this standard, the student:
- 4.1. Analyzes and evaluates others’ and own writing
4.2. Sets goals for improvement
1. The student uses listening and observation skills and strategies to gain understanding.
To meet this standard, the student:
- 1.1 Uses listening and observation skills and strategies to focus attention and interpret
1.2 Understands, analyzes, synthesizes, or evaluates information from a variety of
2. The student uses communication skills and strategies to interact/work effectively with others.
To meet this standard, the student:
- 2.1 Uses language to interact effectively and responsibly in a multicultural context
2.2 Uses interpersonal skills and strategies in a multicultural context to work
collaboratively, solve problems, and perform tasks
2.3 Uses skills and strategies to communicate inter-culturally
3. The student uses communication skills and strategies to present ideas and one’s self in a variety of situations.
To meet this standard, the student:
- 3.1 Uses knowledge of topic/theme, audience, and purpose to plan presentations
3.2 Uses media and other resources to support presentations
3.3 Uses effective delivery
4. The student analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of communication.
To meet this standard, the student:
- 4.1 Assesses effectiveness of one’s own and others’ communication
4.2 Sets goals for improvement
1. The student understands and applies arts knowledge and skills.
To meet this standard, the student will:
- 1.1 Understand art concepts and vocabulary
1.2 Develop arts skills and techniques
1.3 Understand and apply arts style from various artists, cultures and times
1.4 Apply audience skills in a variety of arts settings and performances
2. The student demonstrates thinking skills using artistic processes.
To meet this standard, the student will:
- 2.1 Apply a creative process in the arts
- Conceptualizes the context or purpose
Gather information from diverse sources
Develop ideas and techniques
Organize arts elements, forms, and/or principles into a creative work
Reflect for the purpose of elaboration and self evaluation
Refine work based on feedback
Present work to others
- Conceptualizes the context or purpose
- 2.2 Apply a performance process in the arts
- Identify audience and purpose
Select artistic work (repertoire) to perform
Analyze structure and background of work
Interpret by developing a personal interpretation of the work
Rehearse, adjust, and refine through evaluation and problem solving
Present work for others
Reflect and evaluate
- Identify audience and purpose
- 2.3 Apply a responding process to an arts presentation
- Engage actively and purposefully
Describe what is seen and/or heard
Analyze how the elements are arranged and organized
Interpret based on descriptive properties
Evaluate using supportive evidence and criteria
- Engage actively and purposefully
3. The student communicates through the arts.
To meet this standard, the student will:
- 3.1 Use the arts to express and present ideas and feelings
3.2 Use the arts to communicate for a specific purpose
3.3 Develop personal aesthetic criteria to communicate artistic choices
4. The student makes connections within and across the arts to other disciplines, life, cultures, and work.
To meet this standard, the student will:
- 4.1 Demonstrate and analyze the connections among the arts disciplines
4.2 Demonstrate and analyze the connections between the arts and other content areas
4.3 Understand how the arts impact lifelong choices
4.4 Understand that the arts shape and reflect culture and history
4.5 Demonstrate knowledge of arts careers and the knowledge of arts skills in the world of work
1. The student develops inquiry and information skills.
2. The students develops interpersonal and group process skills.
3. The students develop critical thinking skills.