Syllabus for
Linguistics 573 Systems/Applications Spring 2006 |
Professor: |
William Lewis |
Time & Location: |
TTh 3:30-4:50, MGH 287 |
Office: |
Padelford A-215 |
Hours: |
Tu 5:00-6:00, Th 2:15-3:15 |
Office Phone: |
616-5728 |
include "Ling 573" in the subject line. |
Course Description:
This course looks at building coherent systems designed to tackle practical applications. Particular topics will vary year to year. This year the focus of the class will be on Question Answering, Search and Information Retrieval.
Course Objectives:
§ Give students hands-on experience integrating existing components into working end-to-end systems.
§ Give students a chance to directly apply skills and knowledge acquired in the program (specifically from 570, 571, and 572) to the same end.
§ Give students hands-on experience developing evaluation criteria for multi-component systems.
Course Texts:
Voorhees, Ellen M. and Donna K. Harman (2005). TREC: Experiment and Evaluation in Information Retrieval. Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press.
Highly Recommended: Manning & Schütze, Foundations of Statistical NLP
& Martin, Speech and Language Processing
Other Materials:
Miscellaneous readings as required.
Prerequisites: Ling 570, 571 and 572 or equivalents.
Project documents (proposals,
design specs, class presentations, etc.):
Final project: 40%
Class participation: 10%
Tentative Course Schedule:
Week |
Date |
Topic |
Assignments |
1 |
3/28 3/30 (ppt) |
Introduction and Overview - Themes for the quarter: - IR/QA - TREC - Why is it of interest? - How it is relevant or useful to CompLing? - Tie back to the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired - Describe project, project goals and rough project
design - Structure of project proposals - Project foci - Project components/phases - Software - Software, corpora and tools that will be needed for
student projects (some general guidelines) - Where to acquire software, tools, and corpora - What’s loaded on Pongo - Form project teams (2+ students per) - Lucene intro |
TREC text: Ch 1,2 (§ ), 10 TREC
2005 QA Track Guidelines (password req’d) and materials The
other Hovy et al 2001 (TREC 2001) |
2 |
4/4 4/6 4/4 Slides: Hovy, 4/6 slides: |
Project Overview - Detailed analysis of the problem - Methodology to be employed - Methods for evaluation |
Additional readings related to
questions: Additional case studies in TREC text
(for idea mining):
& Croft Query Expansion paper)
EU Twenty-One
CU, London (Okapi)
Cornell (SMART)
Addtl. papers on TREC site may be useful (but there is some junk) |
3 |
4/11 4/13 |
Project Proposals Reviewed Student meetings - Presentations of problems and solutions - How each of the challenges will be addressed and
surmounted - Critical review by instructor and fellow students |
Preliminary project proposals due by
Monday, April 10th at midnight.
Students to review all other proposals prior to class on 4/11. Note:
Project proposals must explicitly detail the methods to be used to
evaluate results. |
4 |
4/18 4/20 Quest.: |
Project Component(s)/Phase #1 - Question - Interpretation - Categorization - Building the Query - Component overview - Relevance to the project at hand - Issues related to design, implementation/integration - Overview of relevant literature |
Reading: Literature relevant to the current task at
hand > Weeks 4-9 concentrate on the various components that
make-up the project. Readings will
integrate with each component, with topics relevant to the design and
implementation/integration of that component.
> Progress Reports will correspond to each component. |
5 |
4/25 4/27 (Software) |
Student presentations #1 - Design relevant to team focus - Implementation/integration to team focus |
Student Presentations 4/27 Progress Report #1, Results, and
Code Due 4/30 |
6 |
5/2 5/4 |
Evaluation of Project Phase #1
(In class) Project Component(s)/Phase #2 - Finding the relevant documents - What preprocessing is necessary - Ranking documents according to TREC guidelines |
Reading: Literature relevant to the current task at
hand |
7 |
5/9 5/11 |
Student presentations #2 |
Progress Report #2 Due |
8 |
5/16 5/18 |
Project Component(s)/Phase #3 - Answer generation (Limited) |
Reading: Literature relevant to the current task at
hand Note:
Because of the limited amount of time, full answer generation is not
expected. This phase may be limited to
fairly coarse passage retrieval for all systems. |
9 |
5/23 5/25 |
Student presentations #3 - How will your system locate passages that contain
the answer(s) - How will your system present the answers to the user
(list of coherent passages, generation, etc.?) |
Progress Report #3 Due |
10 |
5/30 6/1 |
Project Presentations |
Projects Due 6/1 Note:
Project Presentations must include evaluation statistics so that the
various projects can be compared and evaluated. |