N-Body Software Tools |
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Contained here are the software tools developed by the NASA HPCC ESS group at the University of Washington. These tools may be freely obtained (see each tool for details) and used. The distribution of these tools are now hosted on our Github organization. If you have problems, questions or comments concerning this software, please submit an issue there.
The software shown above is written and maintained by the HPCC Group in the UW Department of Astronomy. We offer the following pointers to software NOT supported by this group, but written by other participants in this project: Snyder and Lin's ZPL Programming Language Project and Hugh Couchman's Hydra: a parallel adaptive grid code with SPH. Google drive site for the University of Washington. |
N-Body Shop University of Washington Box 351580 Seattle, WA 98195-1580 (206) 543-2888 voice, (206) 685-0403 FAX |