Dilemmas of Teaching & Learning

Autumn 2007

Reading Notes

Reading Notes for Tuesday, October 2

The three readings for Tuesday, Oct. 2 focus on what knowledge students bring to school, and how new understandings come about when they use that knowledge to make sense of new experiences and ideas. Use the following descriptions to plan your approach to reading. Please keep track of your reading strategies-- we will be talking about them on Thursday.

First, there is an interview with Bob Moses, the founder of the Algebra Project, written by Kathy Checkley. This article provides a description of the project along with background information about its roots, but also provides multiple examples of using what one knows to learn or understand new things. You may also want to visit the Algebra Project website.

Next, the Appendix from Moses's book "Radical Equations" describes in detail the Trip, the core experience in Algebra Project teaching. At the beginning of this reading you will notice some overlap with the Checkley interview, but it soon gets into more detail about the actual method. Pay close attention to how Moses helps students turn their natural language way of describing position and movement into formal mathematical language through communicating about a common experience. Some of you may be uncomfortable when you see those symbols on the page, but just go slowly -- don't expect to skim through this material (even and especially if you are comfortable with algebra!)

As you read, think of abstract concepts and big ideas in your subject area that students may not be able to learn through explanation alone. What knowledge might they already have that you can use as a bridge to understanding that concept?

Finally, there is a brief article by Elizabeth Cohen & co-authors describing Complex Instruction, an approach to group work that focuses on equitable participation through tapping students' different abilities and background knowledge. We will have a guest on Tuesday who will demonstrate a lesson using these techniques, so this is just a background reading at this time. We will revisit this reading in November, after you come back from your time in schools.