Achievement Motivation

in Education

Spring 2008

Tuesdays 4:30-6:50pm, Denny Hall 205

Project Rough Drafts

The purpose of the required rough draft is to allow me to provide feedback prior to the final draft, and to catch any misunderstandings about the assignment. To enable me to give helpful feedback, your rough draft should be as complete as possible by the due date. I would be happy to read earlier drafts and provide comments, or to meet with you at any time to discuss the project. Review the scoring rubric for the completed project before writing your draft.

CHECKLIST for Rough Draft. Use the checklist below to make sure you have included the necessary parts.

By the due date, your rough draft must include at least the following:

____ Title reflecting the main theme or argument

____ A complete outline

____ At least one major section completed. This should be a complete draft of a section that includes your major argument and some supporting evidence. Examples:

  • For a proposal, the main body of your lit review with resulting research questions;
  • for a lit review, the section containing the main argument plus at least one supporting argument;
  • for a case study, a section describing the main analytical argument plus supporting evidence.

___ A working bibliography, showing what readings you are using or plan to use

___ All sections should show how you are using theories from the course. Although you are encouraged to go beyond course readings and even theories in your papers, remember that at least one main theory discussed in class should be central to your analysis.