stn (at)


The all-new, home-grown, hyperlinked, non-Wikipedia ESS 501 Glossary of Geochemistry .

Not yet in any particular order ...

Differentiation: Separation of a planetary body into chemically distinct zones or reservoirs. Differentiation of the Earth has produced a planet consisting of an Fe-Ni core, mafic silicate mantle, crust comparatively rich in silica and alumina, an ocean and an atmosphere.

Chondrite: A broad class of meteorites containing millimeter-size spherules of crystallized melt, known as chondrules. Chondrites are a sub-set of stony meteorites; the other broad group of stony meteorites is the achondrites. Together these are distinct from the third broad group, the iron meteorites. Yes, there is also a group called stony irons ... The chondrites are made up of many smaller meteorite classes, of which the CI meteorites are the most important to know about, for our purposes in ESS 501.

Not yet in any particular order ...

To start with, there are a couple of useful papers here.

That's it for now. Plenty more to come.