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Education in Russia and the Former Soviet Union


Help the School

"Hey, man, why are you standing there like a dope?
You're bringing nothing for our school, neither books nor rope!"

(Well, not exactly, but it gets the idea across; sample poster urging help for the new "labor school," Russia, 1923.

The World Bank Project:

Since 2002, I have worked as a consultant on the "E-Learning Support Project" (in Russian, "Informatizatsiia sistemy obrazovaniia"). The project is sponsored by the Russian Ministry of Education and the World Bank. It was launched in early 2005, and the first phase will operate in seven Russian regions until 2008; the second phase, in 20+ additional regions, will run from 2007-2010. The project is managed on the Russian side by the National Training Foundation (in Russian, "Natsional'nyi fond podgotovki kadrov"). For more information about the project, see:

The World Bank -- Moscow Office -- Education Programs -- ELSP

National Training Foundation (in Russian)

A brief description of the project in English.

Papers and Miscellany:

Teachers' Continuing Education and Russian School Reform (paper delivered at the conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington, DC; October, 1995)

The Re-Centering of Russian Education (Remarks from a roundtable at the conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Boston, MA, November, 1996)

A suggested Agenda for Joint Action in a number of areas crucial for the future of education in both Russia and the United States.

Samples from Kerr's database on activists in Russian and Soviet education, 1985 to date

Some Significant Obituaries:

Oleg Semenovich Gazman (d. 8/30/96)

Simon L'vovich Soloveichik (d. 10/18/96)

Useful Sites Relevant to Russian Education:

Parenting for EveryoneSimon Soloveichik's ideas in English! With a focus on parenting.

[picture]Uchitel'skaia gazeta (Teachers Gazette) (In Russian; N.B.: You need to have KOI-8 fonts installed on your computer to read this in Russian!)

[picture]Russian Ministry of Education site (1/97) (In Russian; N.B.: You need to have KOI-8 fonts installed on your computer to read this in Russian!)

A recent (10/14/97) story from the Christian Science Monitor, NATIVE CHILDREN IN SIBERIA AT HOME ON THE RANGE

"The illiterate man is a blind man --
Failure and disaster await him everywhere"
(Poster, Aleksei Radakov, USSR, 1920)

A view of the Russian elections, December, 1995 -- "Prizrak brodit..."

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