We aim to create an inclusive, equitable, and productive lab environment, and welcome students and postdoctoral scholars with diverse interests and backgrounds.

Undergraduate students
We are always excited to work with undergraduate students on research projects and/or collection work at the Burke Museum’s Mammalogy Collection. Both are great opportunities to learn about the scientific process, specific methods for the study of morphology and evolution, and specimen handling and preparation. For museum volunteering, please send a cover letter and C.V. to Jeff Bradley (jebrad@uw.edu). For research in the lab, email PI Santana with the same materials. We will evaluate applications on a rolling basis. There is a learning curve to the research tools used in the lab, so we expect students to familiarize themselves with these methods for at least one quarter before undertaking independent projects.

Ph.D. students
Check here to see if PI Santana is currently recruiting students. If so, contact her if you are a highly-motivated student interested in working on bats or any other mammal group, and within the themes of feeding ecology, ecomorphology, behavioral ecology, functional morphology and/or biomechanics. Graduate students in the lab are encouraged to become creative and independent thinkers, be proactive about securing extramural funding, and to disseminate the results of their research to the scientific community and the public. Students’ Dissertations would preferentially involve integrative approaches and a combination of field and lab work. Please visit the Department of Biology website to learn more about the graduate program and important deadlines. You can also contact PI Santana for more information about open positions, funding, and to inquire if the lab is a good fit for your interests. Please note that we don’t have a Master’s program at UW Biology, only Ph.D.

We are always thrilled to hear from prospective postdocs, so please contact PI Santana if you are interested in exploring possibilities to join the lab!