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120A Autumn 2007 Introduction to Logic |
S. Marc Cohen Class Meeting
Times and Location: Text |
Language, Proof and Logic, by Barwise and Etchemendy (CSLI Publications,
2002). Referred to hereafter as LPL.
LPL consists of a textbook, a CD containing software, and a software manual. The CD contains both Windows and Macintosh versions of four computer programs: Tarskis World, Boole, Fitch and Submit. Each copy of the textbook-software package comes with a non-transferable license that will permit its owner (you) to use the resources of the LPL web site, including the Grade Grinder. Using the Grade Grinder is a required part of this course, which means that you must hold a valid license to use the site. It is extremely likely that the license associated with a used copy of LPL will have already been registered by the book's former owner and therefore will no longer be valid for your use. Therefore your only way to guarantee that you have a valid license to use the Grade Grinder is to purchase a new copy of LPL.
Grading Policy Grades will be based on the total number of points achieved out of a possible 600. Points will be awarded as follows:
Most homework assignments are to be carried out using one or another of the computer programs Boole, Fitch, or Tarskis World, and submitted electronically with the Submit program for grading. Some are to be done on paper and submitted in sections. The chart below indicates the minimum grade that will be assigned for the corresponding number of points. Grade assignments will be raised, if necessary, to insure a median grade of not less than 2.7
Exams There will be two examinations during the quarter.
The midterm will be worth 100 points; the final will be worth 200 points. Problem Sets There will be 20 problem sets during the quarter, due each Tuesday and Thursday. They will be worth a total of 300 points. For more detail, see Assignments. For a complete list of assignments, see Assignment Schedule.
Lecture Schedule Topics for each of the MWF lectures are listed below, along with the corresponding reading assignments in Language, Proof and Logic (LPL), listed by section numbers. In addition to the readings in LPL, you should read the relevant sections of the Software Manual, as needed. Look at chapters 2 and 3 immediately, along with the assignment for September 27. Look at chapter 4 by October 1, and chapter 5 by October 8. You will very likely want to use these chapters for subsequent reference. The Supplement for class on December 7 can be downloaded from the Lecture Notes web page.
To print a copy of just the above class schedule (without the rest of the syllabus), go to Class Schedule. Computer Notes
Discussion List As a student in PHIL 120 you have been made a subscriber, under your UW e-mail address, to the discussion list for this class. (If you do not have a UW e-mail address, you must get one so that you can be subscribed to the list.) Messages addressed to will be sent to the entire class (including the instructor). Private mail to Professor Cohen should be sent to
Remember, mail to logic@u will go to everyone in the class, so use it judiciously. If your question or comment is less than urgent, or not likely to be of general interest, please consider using GoPost (see next section).
GoPost In addition to the class discussion list (logic@u), Ive set up a GoPost message board for this class. The board is called PHIL 120: Introduction to Logic and it is restricted to members of this class. In order to access it, you must log on using your UW Net ID.
The URL for
the message board is: The main difference between the GoPost and the Discussion List is that
the former is active and the latter is passive. That is, you must log
on to the GoPost discussion area to particpate; it does not invade your
email inbox. Messages to logic@u, on the other hand, automatically go
to everyone in the class. Please use your own judgment in deciding which
forum to use.
I would suggest limiting your messages to logic@u to matters of some urgency that should be brought to everyones attention. If you have a non-urgent question, wish to start a discussion, or want to find out whats being talked about by other members of the class, try using GoPost.
CLUE There will be a free optional weekly discussion session for this class sponsored by the Center for Learning and Undergraduate Enhancement (CLUE). It will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30 to 8:00 pm in MGH 228. The sessions will be conducted by Joe Ricci, graduate student in Philosophy.
For more information
about CLUE, see
Web Site
team maintains a web site that is devoted to our text and software. I
would recommend that you check out this site and bookmark it for future
In fact,
there are two web sites. The newer one is:
If you have
any difficulty accessing this site, try the old site at: Of particular interest to students in this class will be the Student
Resources section, which includes hints on selected exercises in LPL.
If you experience any problems with the programs or with submitting files
to the Grade Grinder, contact the Help Desk at LPL. There are two ways
to do that: you can fill out a bug report at Classroom
The ringing
of a cell phone in class is certain to be disruptive and annoying to your
fellow students (and to the instructor). You are therefore earnestly requested
to turn off, before class begins, all cell phones, beepers, and the alarms
on any watches, PDA's, or other electronic devices you may be carrying.
Thanks for your cooperation.
If your
quiz section is held in a computer lab, you will have a live internet
connection. This may tempt you to read email, surf the web, etc. during
class. You are urged and requested to resist this temptation. Apart from
being rude to your instructor, such behavior is detrimental to your learning
which is, after all, the reason you are in class in the first place.
with Disabilities
If you
would like to request academic accommodations due to a disability, please
contact Disabled Student Services, 448 Schmitz, (206) 543-8924 (V/TTY).
If you have a letter from Disabled Student Services indicating you have
a disability that requires academic accommodations, please present the
letter to me so we can discuss the accommodations you might need for the
Contact the professor at: