Up-goer Five Research Descriptions:
    Matt's version:
    I study the bags that cells come in (that give cells an inside and an outside). They are very large in two directions, but small in the other one, about one part in a hundred hundred of a human hair. They also move easily in the two large directions, like water. One interesting thing they can do is to make areas that are different on the same bag. Many people think this is important for life. I study how things are different when different parts of the bag can change each other from far away from each other. I find that there is not a big change to how the bags form different areas, which people did not expect. I do this by studying very simple bags, much more simple than those found in life.

    Sarah's version:
    We look at small bags, smaller than a hair wide, that form all by themselves! Each bag has water on the inside and on the outside. The wall of each bag is not hard, it can move. What if the wall is made of two types of pieces, black and white ones? If all the pieces like each other, then from far away, the bag will look grey. If they do not, then the wall will be made of only one black spot and one white spot. We take very beautiful pictures of bags with spots.

    When the bags have spots, we can make the bag hot or change the kind of wall piece and the spots go away. The walls of cells may also have spots that do the same thing! We ask many questions. How fast do the spots move? Why do we either see a bag that is all grey or see black and white spots, but not grey AND black and white? Is the black part of the wall always thicker than the white part? Can we write a paper that is so beautiful that students here become well known? (I hope so! They have such big brains and are so much fun to work with!)

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