WARPXM v1.10.0
No Matches
advection_squares.py File Reference


namespace  advection_squares


str advection_squares.torder = 'RK4'
str advection_squares.sorder = 'thirdOrder'
list advection_squares.velocity = [1.0,0.0,0.0]
bool advection_squares.periodic_boundary_conditions = True
bool advection_squares.use_limiters = False
float advection_squares.skin_depth_norm = 1.0
float advection_squares.omega_p_norm = 1.0
int advection_squares.charge = 1
int advection_squares.mass = 1
int advection_squares.charge_to_mass = charge/mass
float advection_squares.cfl = 0.8
float advection_squares.perturbation = 0.01
int advection_squares.thermal_velocity = 1
float advection_squares.density = 1.0
list advection_squares.v_space_num_elements = [40]
list advection_squares.min_v = [-5]
list advection_squares.dv = [0.25]
int advection_squares.num_physical_elements = 40
int advection_squares.L = 2 * np.pi
warpy advection_squares.mesh
 Generate a mesh -> vlasov.
warpy advection_squares.distribution
 Create a variable for the fluid and one for the array Make components array component_names = np.zeros(number_velocity_components) for i in range(number_velocity_components): component_names[i] = 'fe' + str(i)
warpy advection_squares.field
warpy advection_squares.fluid
warpy advection_squares.distribution_ic
 Initial conditions function.
warpy advection_squares.maxwell_ic
list advection_squares.applicators
 Initial condition applicator.
list advection_squares.apps_kinetic
 Applications (consists of equation sets and boundary conditions)
list advection_squares.apps_physical
list advection_squares.applications_moments = []
list advection_squares.variable_adjusters = []
 Variable adjusters.
warpy advection_squares.writer
 Variable writer.
warpy advection_squares.spatial_solver_kinetic
 Spatial solver.
warpy advection_squares.spatial_solver_physical
warpy advection_squares.temporal_solver
 Temporal solver.
int advection_squares.dt = 1e-5
 Simulation (dg)
int advection_squares.t_final = 20
warpy advection_squares.dt_controller = warpy.dt_calc.stability_dt(dt)
int advection_squares.timesteps = 2000
int advection_squares.write_steps = 100
warpy advection_squares.sim
 Run Simulation ... 1 sim.run('kinetic_advection/apr18_2018',.