WARPXM v1.10.0
No Matches
sheath.py File Reference


namespace  sheath


str sheath.torder = 'SSPRK3'
str sheath.sorder = 'thirdOrder'
float sheath.cfl = 0.209
str sheath.mesh_res = '32x192x32'
sheath.meshfile = f'sheath_mesh_{mesh_res}.inp'
warpy sheath.mesh
float sheath.density_min = 0.01
float sheath.pressure_min = 0.01
float sheath.gamma = 3.0
bool sheath.use_limiter_mr = False
int sheath.limiter_alpha_coefficient = 2.
bool sheath.use_phmaxwell = False
float sheath.phchi = 1.5
float sheath.phgamma = phchi
argparse sheath.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='1d Sheath problem')
argparse sheath.args = parser.parse_args()
argparse sheath.model = args.model
list sheath.tf_sds = ['middle']
list sheath.tf_vds = ['left','right']
list sheath.kinetic_sds = ['left','right']
list sheath.kinetic_vds = ['middle']
 sheath.else :
float sheath.qe = 1.602177e-19
float sheath.mp = 1.672622e-27
float sheath.mu0 = 1.256637e-6
float sheath.eps0 = 8.854187e-12
int sheath.c_light = 1/(mu0*eps0)**.5
tuple sheath.L_debye = (eps0*qe*1/(1e19*qe**2))**0.5
tuple sheath.L = L_debye
float sheath.ompt = 1.0
float sheath.omct = 3.265e-5
float sheath.c_tilde = ompt/omct
int sheath.skin_depth_norm = 1/omct
float sheath.omega_p_norm = ompt
float sheath.n0 = mp*omct**2/(mu0*L**2*qe**2)
float sheath.tau = ompt*L/(omct*c_light)
float sheath.b0 = mp*c_light*omct**2/(qe*L*ompt)
float sheath.e0 = b0**2/mu0
float sheath.T0 = e0/(n0*qe)
float sheath.Z_i = +1.0
float sheath.Z_e = -1.0
float sheath.mass_ratio = 1836.0
float sheath.A_i = 1.0
float sheath.A_e = A_i / mass_ratio
float sheath.n_i = 1.0
float sheath.n_e = 1.0
float sheath.rho_i = A_i * n_i
float sheath.rho_e = A_e * n_e
float sheath.charge_to_mass_ion = Z_i/A_i
float sheath.charge_to_mass_electron = Z_e/A_e
int sheath.T_i = 10
int sheath.T_e = 10
float sheath.P_i = n_i * T_i
float sheath.P_e = n_e * T_e
math sheath.v_th_i = math.sqrt(P_i/A_i/n_i)
math sheath.v_th_e = math.sqrt(P_e/A_e/n_e)
float sheath.nu_p_tau_bgk = 1.0
float sheath.vth_factor = +6.0
list sheath.v_space_num_elements = [48]
list sheath.min_v_ion = [-vth_factor*v_th_i]
list sheath.dv_ion = [0.25* v_th_i]
list sheath.min_v_electron = [-vth_factor*v_th_e]
list sheath.dv_electron = [0.25* v_th_e]
list sheath.fluid_comps = ['rho', 'px', 'py', 'pz', 'e']
list sheath.field_comps = ['Ex', 'Ey', 'Ez', 'Bx', 'By', 'Bz']
warpy sheath.ions
warpy sheath.electrons
warpy sheath.field
warpy sheath.electron_distribution
warpy sheath.ion_distribution
warpy sheath.kinetic_electron_fluid
warpy sheath.kinetic_ion_fluid
warpy sheath.ion_maxwellian_distribution
warpy sheath.electron_maxwellian_distribution
warpy sheath.chi_metric_i
warpy sheath.chi_metric_e
tuple sheath.ic_fun_i
tuple sheath.ic_fun_e
tuple sheath.ic_fun_EM
warpy sheath.electron_ic
warpy sheath.ion_ic
warpy sheath.ic_fun_i_va
warpy sheath.ic_fun_e_va
warpy sheath.ic_fun_EM_va
warpy sheath.electron_ic_va
warpy sheath.ion_ic_va
warpy sheath.tf_ic_ha
warpy sheath.field_ic_ha
warpy sheath.distribution_ic_ha
list sheath.ic_ha = []
list sheath.bc_apps = []
list sheath.values_in = [A_e*1e-4,0,0,0,1e-4/(gamma-1)]
list sheath.electron_distribution_wall_bcs = []
list sheath.ion_distribution_wall_bcs = []
list sheath.maxwell_bcs = []
list sheath.virtual_bc_apps_tf = []
list sheath.virtual_bc_apps_kinetic_ions = []
list sheath.virtual_bc_apps_kinetic_electrons = []
list sheath.applications_moments_ions = []
list sheath.applications_moments_electrons = []
list sheath.applications_2nd_moments_ions = []
list sheath.applications_2nd_moments_electrons = []
list sheath.applications_maxwellian_metric_ions = []
list sheath.applications_maxwellian_metric_electrons = []
list sheath.limiter_apps_electron = []
list sheath.limiter_apps_ion = []
list sheath.variable_adjusters_tf = []
list sheath.variable_adjusters_kinetic = []
list sheath.kinetic_to_tf_va = []
list sheath.tf_to_kinetic_va_ions = []
list sheath.tf_to_kinetic_va_electrons = []
warpy sheath.ion_timestep_start_moment_taker
 add these same moment takers that can be done at the beginning of each timestep before writeout
warpy sheath.electron_timestep_start_moment_taker
warpy sheath.ion_timestep_start_second_moment_taker
warpy sheath.electron_timestep_start_second_moment_taker
warpy sheath.ion_timestep_start_chi_metric_moment_taker
warpy sheath.electron_timestep_start_chi_metric_moment_taker
list sheath.extra_timestep_start_writer = []
warpy sheath.moment_takers_timestep_start_ha
warpy sheath.fluid_ions_to_maxwellian_function
warpy sheath.fluid_electrons_to_maxwellian_function
list sheath.maxwellian_evalution_timestep_start_va = []
 add these maxwellian conversions that can be done at the beginning of each timestep before writeout
warpy sheath.maxwellian_evaluation_timestep_start_ha
list sheath.solver_apps_tf = []
list sheath.solver_apps_maxwell_flux = []
list sheath.solver_apps_maxwell_tf_fluid_source = []
list sheath.solver_apps_maxwell_kinetic_fluid_source = []
list sheath.apps_kinetic_ions = []
list sheath.apps_kinetic_electrons = []
warpy sheath.spatial_solver_tf
 Spatial solver.
warpy sheath.spatial_solver_kinetic_ions
warpy sheath.spatial_solver_kinetic_electrons
warpy sheath.spatial_solver_kinetic_field
list sheath.ss_s = [spatial_solver_tf]
list sheath.va_s = variable_adjusters_tf
warpy sheath.time_integrator = warpy.host_actions.erk(name="ti", scheme=torder, spatial_solvers=ss_s, variable_adjusters=va_s)
list sheath.write_vars = [ions, electrons, field]
warpy sheath.writer
int sheath.dt = 1e-4
 Simulation (dg) dt = 1e-6.
tuple sheath.ompe = (1e19*qe**2/(eps0*A_e*mp))**0.5
float sheath.t_final = 20.0/ompe/tau
warpy sheath.dt_controller = warpy.dt_calc.stability_dt(dt)
int sheath.write_steps = 100
datetime sheath.now = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y_%m_%d")
sheath.sim_name = f'sheath_vm_{v_space_num_elements[0]}_{mesh_res}_{model}'
warpy sheath.config_args = warpy.load_configs()
warpy sheath.case_loc = config_args['test_rundir'](f'hybrid/sheath/{now}', '')
warpy sheath.sim
 Run Simulation ...