WARPXM v1.10.0
No Matches
Navigating the code

The Doxygen documentation tool used to generate this documentation creates a tree structure of the code that can be navigated in several ways.

In the side bar under "The Code" there are three tree structures:


C++ namespaces are used in WARPXM to organize the code into logical groups. While their use is currently somewhat sporatic and inconsistant, it can still be a useful way to navigate the code.

Useful namespaces:

  • wxm Base namespace for WARPXM.
    • apps Where the physics lives. Fluxes, sources, boundary conditions, and initial conditions.
    • dfem The discontinuous finite element solver and related infrastructure.
    • basis Finite element basis
    • dt_calc Contains different time step size calculation methods.
    • mesh Mesh generation and import tools.
    • ... and so much more!
  • warpy Base namespace for warpy.




The file list tree structure mimics the directory structure of the code itself. Only a few important directories are included in the documenation:

  • examples: example warpy input files for a variety of cases.
  • src: where the primary WARPXM C++ source code lives.
  • tools: python tools, including warpy.

Most of the files themselves are not documented, but Doxygen will list all of the classes, structs, types, and functions contained within each file, as well as any includes. To read documentation attached to the classes, structs, types, and functions, follow the link to the associated page of each.