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WARPXM v1.10.0
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NwxmBase namespace for everything not included in the global namespace
 CBsplineEvaluator2DThe elements needed to evaluate the 2D B-spline
 Cconstants_5moment_tStructure for holding constants used in the 5moment solvers
 CSphericalHemisphereConverterThis class should be used to convert face normal to a direction in the upper half of a hemisphere with origin at the origin of the vector This is used to get the consistent common normal used in the local discontinuous galerkin method
 CSphericalPositionVectorThis class computes Cartesian and Spherical components of a poition vector in space emanating from origin
 CTimestepConstraintInformation that constrain the time step
 CTimestepDecisionEncapsulates information necessary to communicate and explain a decision about what timestep should be taken
 CTimestepStatusManages information about dt tried first, dt actually taken, and dt suggested for the next timestep, along with the explanation (TimestepDecision) for each
 CWmApplicationBase Class for physics applications
 CWmApplication_SecondMomentComputes the Reduced Second Moment which becomes the fluid pressure p_{alpha} = n_{alpha} T_{alpha} = Full velocity space integral of A_{alpha}/ v_{dims}
 CWmArrayBaseDefines common interface for variables that are arrays
 CWmConstOpaquePtrOpaque Pointer object that carries the referenced data type, but does not expose this payload type as part of the pointer type
 CWmDistributedVariableDefines an interface for variables that exits over distributed memory
 CWmExplicitRungeKuttaSchemeThe WmExplicitRungeKuttaScheme class
 CWmFillValueFills all components of a variable with a specified fill value from the input parameters
 CWmFunctionApplicatorGenerates initial conditions
 CWmGhostSyncSyncs distributed array overlapping cells bordering node boundaries (ghost cells) for the specified distributed arrays, or specific components of those distributed arrays
 CWmHostActionBase class for sub-solvers in the WARPXM system
 CWmHostSequencedGroupSequenced group that contains serial set of host steps generally implemented as host (C++) code
 CWmICFunctionBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_BandpassBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_BumpBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_FourierBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_GaussianBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_HeavisideBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_PolynomialBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_RampBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_SetToBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_TE_TM_ModeBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_Vlasov_Landau_DampingBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_Vlasov_Two_StreamBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICFunction_Vlasovmaxwell_CustomBase class for functions used in generating initial conditions
 CWmICGeneratorGenerates initial conditions
 CWmIndexerTemplate<typename T> class WxArray;
 CWmNameTreeProvides hierarchical container for T values according to unique string keys
 CWmOpaquePtrOpaque Pointer object that carries the referenced data type, but does not expose this payload type as part of the pointer type
 CWmPatchProcessBase class for processes that are broken up onto separate sections of the mesh (patches)
 CWmPatchProcessorUsed to manage taskes run on patches of a domain
 CWmProbeLocationUsed to probe a position in a dataset and export that data to a hdf5 file over the course of the simulation
 CWmSequencedGroupRepresents a set of events that must be executed serially in the specified sequence
 CWmSimulationTop level class for WARPXM simulations
 CWmSolverProvides many vital functionality to building and executing a sequence of simulation code
 CWmSolverBaseA base class for solvers in WARPM
 CWmStructuredGeometryClass used for generating Structured Geometry information for kinetic phase space calculations
 CWmStructuredSquareClass used for generating Structured Geometry information for kinetic phase space calculations specifically of a SQUARE this object is 2D where the "x" direction is x and where the "y" direction is vx
 CWmSubSolverBase class for sub-solvers in WARPXM compute kernel system
 CWmSynchronizerSyncs distributed variables overlapping cell boundaries (ghost cells)
 CWmTestSuggestedDtUsed with the HOFVM scheme to calculate the absolute minimum of a dataset
 CWmTimedSwapVariablesSwaps two like variables, internalized storage remains, while outer shell naming is swapped
 CWmTypedArrayDefines common interface for arrays of type T elements
 CWmTypeOpaqueArrayDefines common interface for arrays of elements
 CWmUnstructuredArrayClass for handling unstructured arrays
 CWmUnstructuredGeometryClass used for generating mesh geometry concerns
 CWmUnstructuredPatchLinkUsed to define the elements to pull from another patch
 CWmUnstructuredReconstructionClass used for generating reconstruction arrays for the high-order finite volume method
 CWmVariableBase class for variables that store one or more components of data
 CWmVariableLoaderLoads all components of a variable from a specified file from the input parameters
 CWmVariableSwapperSwaps two like variables, internalized storage remains, while outer shell naming is swapped
 CWmWriteOutWrites a dataset to a file each frame
 CWxAnyClass WxAny is based on the "any" class described in "Valued Conversion", Kevlin Henney, C++ Report, July-August 2000, pages 37–40
 CWxBoxWxBox represents a n-dimensional box of elements specified by lower coordinates and upper coordinates
 CWxCreatorThis creator is meant to be used for classes with default constructor
 CWxCreatorForChildrenThis creator is meant to be used for classes that require a parent argument to their constructor
 CWxCreatorMapBaseDefines Common Interface for WxCreatorMap
 CWxCryptWxCrypt provides a container to store/retrive name-value pairs
 CWxCryptSetWxCryptSet extends WxCrypt by providing, in addition to name-value pairs, an set of named WxCryptSets, thus providing a powerful way of representing hierarchical data
 CWxCryptSetLexerClass that provides utility to read an input stream into a WxCryptSet
 CWxFileHandlerClass to log messages to a file
 CWxHdf5IoWxHdf5Io is the interface for the HDF5 implementation of HDF5
 CWxHdf5IoTmplWxHdf5IoTmpl does the reading and writing to HDF5 files for a given data type
 CWxHdf5NodeTypevHDF5 specific i/o node wrapper
 CWxHdf5TraitsTraits class for HDF5
 CWxIoBaseProvides an abstract interface for access to hierachical datasets
 CWxIoNodeTypevProvides a means for derived messengers to return implimentation specific message status flags and data
 CWxIoTmplWxIoTmpl is the base class for access to a hierarchical file system with groups, data sets, and attributes for those datasets
 CWxLoggerBaseEstablishes basic interface of loggers
 CWxLogRecordHandlerClass to handle log messages generated by WarpX logging system
 CWxLogStreamProvides interface to streaming iostreams to logs
 CWxLogStreamStrmWorks with WxLogStream for providing streaming to logs
 CWxMpiMsgMPI Messenger
 CWxMpiMsgStatus_vMpi specific message status wrapper
 CWxMpiTraitsType traits for use in MPI messengers
 CWxMpiTraits< bool >
 CWxMpiTraits< char >
 CWxMpiTraits< double >
 CWxMpiTraits< float >
 CWxMpiTraits< int >
 CWxMpiTraits< long >
 CWxMpiTraits< long double >
 CWxMpiTraits< long long int >
 CWxMpiTraits< short >
 CWxMpiTraits< unsigned >
 CWxMpiTraits< unsigned char >
 CWxMpiTraits< unsigned long >
 CWxMpiTraits< unsigned short >
 CWxMsgBaseProvides an abstract interface for message based communication between different processes
 CWxMsgStatus_vProvides a means for derived messengers to return implimentation specific message status flags and data
 CWxMsgTmplProvides interface for messaging between processes
 CWxObjectWxObject is a base class for WarpX classes which need to go through a creation/destruction cycle within the simulation
 CWxRangeWxRange represents a hyper-rectangular domain of an n-dimensional space of integers
 CWxSplitRangeWxSplitRange splits a range into smaller ranges in a cartesian manner
 CWxStepperBase class for objects which can be advanced in time
 CWxStepperStatusRepresents important parameters for the efficacy of a completing simulation step
 CWxStreamHandlerClass to log messages to an open stream
 CWxTimerTimer class which keeps accurate wall time
 CWxTypeListWxTypeList class provides a means of defining a list of types (hence the name "typelist")
 CWxTypeMapWxTypeMap can be used to generate a whole class hierachy at compile time
 CWxTypeMap< WxNullType, Unit >Specialization 3: For WxNullType do nothing
 CWxTypeMap< WxTypeList< T1, T2 >, Unit >Specialization 1: Inherit from WxTypeMap generated from the elements of the typelist