with Andrey Simonov, Szymon Sacher and Jean-Pierre Dube. Marketing Science (2022)
Working Papers
Do Households’ Budget Allocations Vary with Economic Factors? Evidence from Nielsen Data
with Pradeep Chintagunta and Sanjay Dhar
Investigating the effects of including discount information in advertising
Channel Choice and Customer Value
with Hema Yoganarasimhan and Haonan Zhang
Works in Progress
A New Instrument for Measuring the Effectiveness of TV Advertising: Channel Position Effects
with Jean-Pierre Dube and Andrey Simonov
We use variation in TV viewership that arises from differences in channel positions across different cable systems as an exogenous shifter of advertising viewership. We propose a novel method to measure advertising elasticities for CPG purchases by combining several different datasets on channel position, TV viewership, TV advertising placements and CPG product sales.