lTopics of previous meetings of Field Reports
- May 2011. More on texts and fieldwork (discussion led by Sharon
Hargus). DOBES
requires texts as part of documentation effort (see section VII).
Texts as a gauge of a speaker's linguistic competence (an issue for
endangered languages). Procedure I use
for going from recording to IGT. (Many linguists use some combination
of Transcriber/Elan/Toolbox instead.)
- Apr. 2011. Pros and Cons of Texts and Elicitation, Edith Aldridge.
Optional reading: Chelliah, Shobhana L. 2001. 'The role of text collection and elicitation in linguistic fieldwork.' In Linguistic Fieldwork, ed. by Paul Newman and Martha Ratliff. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 152-165.
- Feb. 2011. Transcription and field notes, Sharon Hargus. Optional reading was Vaux and Cooper 1999, ch. 2.
- Oct. 2010. Report on Mazu fieldwork,
Russell Tanenbaum (with Chak Lam Yip and Sharon Chang).
(optional reading was ch. 1 'Introduction' of
Vaux and Cooper 1999).
Feb. 2010. Steve Moran, Best and worst practices in linguistic
fieldwork (a slideshow based on personal experiences). Recommended
reading was:
- Bird and Simons (2003) 'Seven Dimensions of
Portability'. Language 79: 557-582
- Steve Moran (to appear) 'Using the
E-MELD school of best practices to create lasting digital
documentation'. In Grenoble, Lenore A. and Louanna Furbee (eds.)
Language Documentation: Practice and Values.
- Dec. 2009. Discussion of Tsunoda 2005, ch.13.
- Oct. 2009. Reports on recent fieldwork by Julia Miller, Steve Moran, Scott Farrar.