Archived News

7/19/19 The SEPS lab begins its R21 funding from the National Institute of Drug Abuse. We’re developing a new way to sort synaptosomes. Stay tuned for more details!

6/13/18 Anastasiia Stratiievska uploads a paper to BioRXiv about the regulation of TRP channels by PI3Kinase, which includes data generated by Dr. Lautz. Congratulations to all involved! (Now published in eLife)

5/27/2018 Dr. Lautz publishes a paper describing our multiplex co-immunoprecipitation platform applied to synaptic signaling in neurons. Read it HERE.

12/1/2017 The SEPS Lab begins its new R01 funding from the National Institute of Mental Health!

8/8/2016 Dr. Smith is named a 2016 NARSAD Young Investigator by the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation

8/2/2016 The first paper describing our multiplex co-immunoprecipitation technique has been published in Science Signaling. Read it HERE.

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