Clawpack now includes some tools to help facilitate archiving and sharing results that you have obtained with this software. These make it relatively easy to generate a set of webpages such as those seen when browsing the examples listed at Applications gallery or Examples from the book FVMHP.
These webpages can easily be posted on your own website to be viewed by others if you wish, for example to share on-going work with collaborators or to supplement a journal article.
In a directory with a standard Clawpack Makefile the command:
$ make .htmls
will create html files from all the .f, .py, .data files in this directory and will also convert README.txt into README.html. This uses the python script $CLAW/doc/ to convert each file.
This script is based on a more general script mathcode2html and the documentation of that contains some examples of formating.
The “make .plots” option available via the standard Makefiles will create a set of webpages illustrating the plots and allowing easy navigation between frames. These webpages also allow viewing all frames of a plot as an animation (via javascript within the browser). For example see
See Plotting options in Python for more details on how to specify what plots will appear on these webpages.
To make it easy for others to view your code and the resulting plots, you can simply copy the example directory (containg the code, the .html files, and the _plots subdirectory) to your publicly visible web pages.