Creating a new application directory

Copying an existing example

The simplest approach to implementing something new is to start with a Clawpack example and modify the code appropriately.

For existing examples, see the applications in $CLAW/apps, which can be perused at Applications gallery.

See also the Examples from the book FVMHP.

Rather than modifying one of the examples in place, it is best to copy it to a new directory. There is a directory $CLAW/myclaw at the top level of Clawpack that can be used to put your own work. This way if you use the Python server (see Starting a Python web server) you can view your files and plots via the web address http://localhost:50005/myclaw/...

If your myclaw directory is located elsewhere, you can also create a symbolic link from the top claw level to the actual location and the above address should still work.

In unix/linux you can copy a directory recursively (with all subdirectories intact) using the cp -r command, e.g.

$ cp -r $CLAW/apps/advection/1d/example1  path-to-newdir

for example.

Subversion users

If you are using the svn version of Clawpack do not use cp -r as in the example above. The reason is that it will copy the subversion subdirectory .svn as well and svn will get very confused if you later want to put your new directory under version control.

The better way to copy a directory under svn to a new place is by using:

$ svn export $CLAW/apps/advection/1d/example1  path-to-newdir

This exports everything that is under version control to the new directory. Files that were not under version control (e.g. output files if you ran the program there) will not be exported.

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