Coastal & Estuarine Fluid Dynamics


Class meetings will be at 10-12 AM and 1-3 PM Monday through Friday in the main Lecture Hall. Other meetings are in Lab 3.

1) Week of July 17

Monday 7/17 Class Intro - Examples of estuarine and coastal environments. Basic Equations, Reynolds Averaging, Boussinesq and Hydrostatic approximations.

Geyer AM, MacCready PM

3:30 Computer Orientation (Fernald); 4:00 Library Orientation

Tuesday 7/18 Tides - Frictional shallow water equations, Astronomical origin of the first 5 constituents, Tides in a Bay

MacCready AM, Geyer PM

Wednesday 7/19

Tides - Stokes drift, Overtides, Tide-induced residual circulation and vorticity

Discussion of the field sites (East Sound, Admiralty Inlet, and the Snohomish River estuary)

Geyer AM, MacCready PM
Thursday 7/20 AM - Trowbridge seminar 1: Turbulent boundary layers

John Trowbridge (WHOI)

8:30-10 Individual homework meetings

PM - Trowbridge seminar 2 : Measurement of Air-Sea Fluxes at MVCO

John Trowbridge (WHOI)

3-5 Individual homework meetings

Friday 7/21

The Bernoulli Function; Limiting the vertical length scale of turbulence because of stratification; Monin-Obukhof length

MacCready and Geyer AM

8:30-10 Individual homework meetings

PM - Student presentations (9 at 20 minutes each)

Advanced students (see here for titles)

3-5 Individual homework meetings

2) Week of July 24

Monday 7/24

The tidal boundary layer, including rotation

2 layer stratification: g’ and long internal waves

Geyer AM

MacCready PM

[3PM Field project group meetings]

Tuesday 7/25

Estuaries - Examples; estuarine salt balance and Knudsen’s Relation

Tidally-averaged salt and momentum balances in an estuary; classical solutions: Chatwin, Hansen and Rattray

Geyer AM

MacCready PM

[10 AM Homeworks due; 3 PM Small boat class]

Wednesday 7/26

Estuaries -Classical steady solutions: Diffusive, Chatwin, Hansen and Rattray

Estuarine time-dependence: Spring-Neap cycles and the Horizontal Richardson Number

MacCready AM

Geyer PM

Thursday 7/27

Theory of the estuarine adjustment time

Field preparation

MacCready AM

Group planning and boat prep/testing

Friday 7/28

Estuarine Examples

Field: Centennial (Noon-4? - bag lunches?)

Geyer AM

Mooring Deployment & Survey East Sound (half day)

3) Week of July 31

Monday 7/31

Energy - Development of the conservation laws, and meaning of terms, Volume integrals

MacCready AM, Geyer PM

Tuesday 8/1 Energy - Application: Tides in a bay, On the importance of buoyancy flux

MacCready AM

Small boat to Snohomish Noon

Wednesday 8/2

Hydraulics - Homogenous flow over a bump (2-D), Extension to two layers

Field: Snohomish

Geyer AM, MacCready PM

Small boat at Snohomish

Thursday 8/3

Hydraulics - Digression: short surface waves and the visible effects of convergence, Form drag as an analysis tool

Field: Snohomish


Small boat returns Noon

Friday 8/4 Field: Admiralty Inlet 25-hour survey

Centennial to Admiralty Inlet 7 AM

(survey 11 AM 8/4 to Noon 8/5)

Saturday 8/5 Field: Admiralty Inlet 25-hour survey Centennial returns 4PM

4) Week of August 7

Monday 8/7

Field: day off?


Tuesday 8/8 Field: Centennial Mooring recovery & Survey East Sound
Wednesday 8/9

Turbulence, Part II - Shear-driven Mixing, Entrainment

3 PM - Stacey seminar 1 Mark Stacey (UC Berkeley)
Thursday 8/10

Individual research project meetings

3 PM - Stacey seminar 2 Mark Stacey (UC Berkeley)
Friday 8/11 Individual research project meetings  
Saturday 8/12 [load WRG gear at Anacortes]  

5) Week of August 14

Monday 8/14

Wind-driven flows: Coastal upwelling - Including Coriolis, 1 and 2 layer solutions


3 PM - Hickey seminar 1 Barbara Hickey (UW)
Tuesday 8/15

Individual research project meetings

Wednesday 8/16

Buoyancy-driven flows: River plumes - 2-layer dynamics of coastal currents

Geyer & MacCready AM
3 PM - Hickey seminar 2 Barbara Hickey (UW)
Thursday 8/17

Student presentations 1

Friday 8/18 Student presentations 2