Main Page/Stuff/Halloween Stuff/Sanchez at Hive Mind 2010

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Sanchez at Hive Mind Halloween 2010

Stuff/Packing list

  1. Sanchez booth
    1. booth parts (DtM)
    2. sign (Philthy)
    3. driver & screws (DtM, Philthy)
  2. Sauce and chips
    1. sauce
    2. chips
    3. Bowls or other servers
  3. Karaoke setup
    1. PC with karaoke songs & software (Philthy)
    2. mixer (Philthy)
    3. mikes & stands (Philthy)
    4. speakers, stands, power cords (DtM)
    5. books (P)
    6. chits & spindle (P)
    7. 2 computer monitors (P)
  4. Webcam
    1. Camera (P)
    2. mini PC (P)
    3. USB cable extension (P)
    4. Cable lock (P)
  5. Salsa music for breaks
  6. Props
    1. Flags
    2. Luchador masks
    3. Sombreros
    4. piñatas
      1. filling: condoms? konjac jellies?
  7. Misc
    1. Power strips (P)
    2. Extension cords (P)
    3. Xmas or chile lights (? who has?)
    4. Zip ties (P), cable cutter

Shopping (or we make)

  1. Piñatas (any mercado latino should have these, but calling first would be a good idea)
  2. Piñata stuffing



  1. Buy stuff from the list above
  2. Delivery/unloading/setup at Youngstown (Saturday arrive 3 PM, setup 3-5 PM)
    1. Crew
      1. Hernan
      2. Angela
      3. Kristin
      4. DtM
      5. Philthy
      6. Nik
      7. Brando
    2. Booth
      1. Sauce
      2. Chips
      3. USB camera
    3. Karaoke
      1. Power supply
      2. Monitors
      3. Amp, mikes, speakers, PCs
      4. Stage
      5. Lighting


  1. KJ Lineup
    Though we may do some rearranging as necessary/desired
    1. 9-10 Hernan
    2. 10-11 Hannah
    3. 11-12 Philthy
    4. 12-1 DtM
    5. 1-2 Sarah
    6. 2-close Philthy
  2. Shutdown (at closing time)
    1. Secure or pack up electronics

Cleanup (Sunday, 11 AM-1 PM, likely to take less time)

  1. Crew:
    1. Kristin
    2. Philthy