Main Page/Research/MSB/renaming fields

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Warning, field packetindex renamed to PACKETINDE
Warning, field repaired_msg41_navutc_time_t renamed to REPAIRED_M
Warning, field elevationdata renamed to ELEVATIOND
Warning, field movementdata renamed to MOVEMENTDA
Warning, field msg41_longitude renamed to MSG41_LONG
Warning, field msg41_latitude renamed to MSG41_LATI
Warning, field msg41_altitude_from_ellipsoid renamed to MSG41_ALTI
Warning, field msg41_navutc_time_t renamed to MSG41_NAVU
Warning, field msb_timestamp renamed to MSB_TIMEST
Warning, field repaired_msb_timestamp renamed to REPAIRE_01
Warning, field uwar_timestamp_offset renamed to UWAR_TIMES
Warning, field repaired_uwar_timestamp_offset renamed to REPAIRED_U
Warning, field msg41_est_horz_pos_err renamed to MSG41_EST_
Warning, field msg41_est_vert_pos_err renamed to MSG41_E_01
Warning, field msg41_climb_rate renamed to MSG41_CLIM
Warning, field msg41_number_of_svs_in_fix renamed to MSG41_NUMB
Warning, field allmove_num renamed to ALLMOVE_NU
Warning, field dist_prevnext renamed to DIST_PREVN
Warning, field allmove_smooth_num renamed to ALLMOVE_SM
Warning, field allmove_smooth renamed to ALLMOVE_01