Bibliografía del LBA para los años 1995-2005
(sacada en buena parte de la bibliografía en línea de M-A. Vetterling. )

Andrachuck, Gregory Peter. Review. "John Dagenais. The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture.Glossing the Libro de buen amor, Princeton, 1994." Revista canadiense de estudios hispánicos 20, no 2 (1996), 379-80.

Alvarez Pellitero, Ana María. "Puntar el Libro del Arcipreste: CC 69-70." Hispanic Review 63 (1995) 501-516.

Armistead, Samuel G. Review. "Goldberg, Harriet. Motif-Index of Medieval Spanish Folk Narratives." La corónica 28 (1999): 260-62.

Baldwin, John W. Review. "Contrary Things: Exegesis, Dialectic, and the Poetics of Didacticism, by Catherine Brown. Stanford U. Press, 1998." Canadian Journal of History/Annales canadiennes d'histoire 34 (1999): 89-91.

Barrera, Rosalie. "Subversion in the Serranillas of Juan Ruiz and the Marqués de Santillana." MA Diss. Baylor University, 2000.

Bawcutt, Priscilla. "Pamphilus de amore 'in Inglish toung.'" Medium Aevum 64 (1995): 264-72, especially p. 266.

Bennett, Phillip E. Review. "Pseudo-autobiography in the Fourteenth Century: Juan Ruiz, Guillaume de Machaut, Jean Froissart, and Geoffrey Chaucer." Medium Aevum 68 (1999): 141-42.

Biglieri, Aníbal. “El exemplum medieval en el Libro de buen amor”, Revista de Filología Española, 70 (1990), 119-132.

____________. Review. "Palafox, Eloísa. Las éticas del exemplum... México: Universidad Nacional Autónona de México, 1998." La corónica 29.1 (2000): 267-73.

Bizzarri, Hugo Oscar. "Algunas consideraciones sobre la rama G del Libro de buen amor." Incipit 19 (1999): 13-33.

Brown, Joan L & Crista Johnson. "Required Reading: The Canon in Spanish and Spanish American Literature." Hispania 81 (March, 1998), 1-19, especially pp. 4, 5, 10, 13.

Brown, Catherine. Contrary Things: Exegesis, Dialectic, and the Poetics of Didacticism. Figurae: Reading Medieval Culture. Stanford: Stanford U. Press, 1998.

Brown, Catherine. "The Meretricious Letter of the Libro de Buen Amor." Exemplaria 9, no. 1 (1997) 63-90.

Burkard, Richard W. "Courtly Love and Hideous Love: Gentility Followed by Rape in the Libro de buen amor." Journal of the American Association for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Arts 1 (2) (Spring) (1996), 21-31.

Burke, Peter. La cultura popular en la Europa moderna, trad. Antonio Feros, Madrid: Alianza Universidad, 1991, 664.

*Burke, James F. Desire Against the Law. The Juxtaposition of Contraries in Early Medieval Spanish Literature. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1998, especially pp. 2-12, 23-4, 35, 42, 49, 61, 69-77, 89, 104, 123, 127, 211, 217, 237, 244, 254, 262, 269-70 in addition to three articles on the LBA: "The point of the Text: Penetration and Participation in the Libro de buen amor" pp. 162-182; "Charivari and the Serranas" pp. 183-196; The Adventus: Sacred and Profane" pp. 197-210.

Burrow, John A.. Review. "Lawrence de Looze, Pseudo-Autobiography in the Fourteenth Century: Juan Ruiz, Guillaume de Machaut, Jean Froissart, and Geoffrey Chaucer. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1997." Notes and Queries 243 (1998): 487-88.

Cándano F., Graciela, La espina y la rosa... México: UNAM,  1990.

Cañas Murillo, Jesús. “Algunas observaciones sobre el didactismo en el Libro de buen amor. (Notas tras una lectura atenta)”, Anuario de Estudios Filológicos, XVI (1993), 41-52

Castillo Muñoz, Miguel Ángel . “Algunos aspectos del yo en el Libro de buen amor”, Ribalta, 6 (1993), 91-105.

*Castiñeiras González, Manuel Antonio. El calendario medieval hispano.Textos e imágenes (Siglos XI-XIV). Salamanca: Gráficas Varona, 1996.Especially pp. 53-5, 128, 133, 138, 141-2, 154-7,163-4, 167,171,179, 185, 199, 202, 208, 283-4.

Ciceri, Marcella. "Errori archetipici e loci critici nel Libro de buen amor." Cultura Neolatina, 62:1-2 (2002), pp. 153-69.


Classen, Albrecht. "Epistemology at the Courts: The Discussion of Love by Andreas Capellanus and Juan Ruiz." Neuphilologische Mitteilungen: Bulletin de la Société Néophilologique/Bulletin of the Modern Language Society, 103:3 (2002), pp. 341-62.


Colombí-Monguió, Alicia de. Review. "Eloísa Palafox, Las éticas del exemplum... UNAM, México, 1998." Nueva revista de filología hispánica 47 (1999): 419-23.

Connolly, Jane E, Noel Fallows, María Morrás. Reviews of Dagenais, Cano Ballesta, Parker (M), Vasvari, Ly, Kerkhof in Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 56 (1994), 328.

______. Reviews of Lovera & Toro Ceballos, Livre de Bon Amour, ed. Michel Garcia, Burkard, Blecua, Alvarez Pellitero, Balcells Doménech, Martínez Gil, Vasvari in Year's Work in Modern Language Studies 57 (1995), 306-7.

*Cortijo Ocaña, Antonio. "A propósito de Medieval Mysogyny and the Invention of Western Romantic Love de RH Bloch." Revista de filología española 75 (1995), 351-358 (especially p. 355).

­­­­­__________. Review. "The Medieval Mind. Hispanic Studies in Honour of Alan Deyermond, eds. Ian Macpherson and Ralph Penny." La corónica 28 (1999): 265-69.

Corvetto-Fernández, Angélica. "La metamorfosis del Arcipreste." Lemir: Revista Electrónica sobre Literatura Española Medieval y del Renacimiento, 6 (2002), (no pagination). Swedish summary; English summary. []

Criado de Val, M. Historia de Hita y su Arcipreste. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones científicas, 1998.

Dagenais, John. The Ethics of Reading in Manscript Culture: Glossing the Libro de buen amor. Princeton: Princeton University Press,1994.

___________. "Il nostro maggior Musa: Juan Ruiz and the Medieval Virgil." in Kagay, Donald and Snow, Joseph T, eds. Medieval Iberia Essays on the History and Literature of Medieval Spain. New York: Peter Lang, 1997, pp. 143-157.

Dai, Yonghu. "El 'Libro de Alexandre' y sus influencias en el Mester de clereçía." Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, 61:12 (2001 June), 4795


Dangler, Jean. "Response to 'Using Literary Texts in a History of Sexuality'." Corónica: A Journal of Medieval Spanish Language and Literature, 30:1 (2001 Fall), pp. 244-47. See also 1999-2-12750.

*Dangler, Jean. "Mediating Fictions: Women Healers and the Go-Between in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia." Diss. Emory University, 1997. See especially 124, 238, 281-8.

___. "Mediating Fictions: Women Healers and the Go-Between in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia." Diss.

*De Looze, Laurence. Pseudo-Autobiography in the Fourteenth Century: Juan Ruiz, Guillaume de Machaut, Jean Froissart, and Geoffrey Chaucer. Gainesville: University of Florida, 1997.

______."Subversion of Meaning in Part 1 of El Conde Lucanor." Revista canadiense de estudios hispánicos 19.2 (1995), 341-55.

______. "Text, Author, Reader, Receptiion: The Reflections of Theory and the Libro de Buen Amor." In A Companion to the Libro de Buen Amor. Eds. Louise M. Haywood & Louise O. Vasvári. Great Britain: Tamesis, 2004, 131-149.

DeLope, Monique. "D'une citation l'autre. Prologue du Libro de buen amor." Cahiers d'études romanes 21 (1999): 79-93.

Deyermond, Alan. "'Was it a Vision or a Waking Dream?': The Anomalous Don Amor and Doña Endrina Episodes Reconsidered."In A Companion to the Libro de Buen Amor. Eds. Louise M. Haywood & Louise O. Vasvári. Great Britain: Tamesis, 2004, 107-122.

Di Stefano, Giuseppe. "Los encuentros serranos y sus relatos en el Libro de buen amor o del arte de la variación." Anuario de Letras, 39 (2001), pp. 451-74. [UW suzz/allan stacks PN508 .A65]

Drayson, Elizabeth. "Chaotics, Complexity, and the Libro de buen amor." In A Companion to the Libro de Buen Amor. Eds. Louise M. Haywood & Louise O. Vasvári. Great Britain: Tamesis, 2004, 151-163.

Duffell, Martin J. "Metre and Rhythm in the Libro de Buen Amor." In A Companion to the Libro de Buen Amor. Eds. Louise M. Haywood & Louise O. Vasvári. Great Britain: Tamesis, 2004, 71-82.

Emory University, 1997. Dissertations Abstracts Online Accession Number AAG9725038.

Fernández-Savater, María Victoria. Review. "García Gual, Carlos. El zorro y el cuervo. Madrid: Alianza, 1995," in EPOS: Revista de filología 12 (1966), 602-5.

Ferreras, Juan Ignacio. Las estructuras narrativas del Libro de buen amor. Madrid: Ediciones Endymion, 1999

Ferreras Savoye, Jacqueline. "El buen amor, La Celestina: la sociedad patriarcal en crisis." in Breve historia femenista de la literatura española, vol. II, Iris M. Zavala, coord. Barcelona: Editorial Anthropos, 1995, pp. 69-100.

Filgueira Valverde, José. "¿Johannes Roderici, Juan Ruiz? Posible obra musical del Arcipreste en el "Codex" de Las Huelgas." Boletín de la Real Academia de la Historia 192 (1995), 209-20.

**Filios, Denise Keyes. "Women Out of Bounds: Soldadeiras, Panaderas, and Serranas in the Poetry of Medieval Spain." Diss. University of California, Berkeley, 1997. Dissertations Abstracts Online Accession Number AAG9803194

Finucci, Valeria & Kevin Brownlee. "Genealogy and Transgression: An Introduction. (Summary of Catherine Brown's article in the same volume)." Exemplaria 9, no 1 (1997), 4-5

Folgar, Carlos. "Una nota léxica sobre dezir (LBA 1230c)," in Casado Velarde, Manuel, ed; Freire Llamas, Antonio, et al, Scripta philologica in Memoriam Manuel Taboada Cid I. La Coruña: la Coruña, 1996, pp. 349-54.

**Forum on "Manuscript Culture in Medieval Spain." La corónica 27.1 (1998):123-244, 27:2 (1998): 171-232 (Iniciado con:  “Critical Cluster: Manuscript Culture in Medieval Spain.”La corónica 26:2, 133-194, a raíz del libro de Dagenais The Ethics of Reading ... (arriba). Varios autores en cada caso.

Francomano, Emily. "'Saber bien e mal': The Fall and the Fruits of Reading the Libro de buen amor." La corónica 26.2 (1998): 211-26.

García Gual, Carlos. "Dos versiones divergentes y dos estilos: Don Juan Manuel y el Arcipreste de Hita." in his El zorro y el cuervo. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1995, pp. 57-67.

Geary, John S. " The 'Pitas Payas' Episode of the Libro de buen amor: Its Structure and Comic Climax." Romance Philology 49 (1996): 245-261.

Gerli, E. Michael. "The Greeks, the Romans, and the Ambiguity of Signs: De Doctrina Christiana, the Fall, and the Hermeneutics of the Libro de buen amor." Bulletin of Spanish Studies: Hispanic Studies and Researches on Spain, Portugal, and Latin America, 79:4 (2002 July), pp. 411-28. PDF (available through research databases)


_____________. "On the Edge: Envisioning the Libro de buen amor in the Cancionero de Palacio." eHumanista: Journal of Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies, 1 (2001), pp. 1-11. []

*____________l. "Carvajal's serranas: Reading, Glossing, and Rewriting the Libro de buen amor in the Cancionero de Estúñiga." Studies on Medieval Spanish Literature in Honor of Charles F. Fraker Madison, WI: Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, 1995, pp. 159-71.

Goldberg, Harriet. Motif-Index of Medieval Spanish Folk Narratives. Tempe, AZ: Medieval and Renaissance Text Studies, 1998. For references to the LBA see pp. xv, xxiv, xxv, xxvi. See also the following pp (with motif numbers in parentheses), 7 (B270.3; B274.1; B325.1), 8 (B371.1), 14 (D470.1), 22 (D1812.5.0.1), 27 (D2158.1), 38 (F460.1.2), 48 (H439.1.1), 50 (H607.1), 53 (H1531.2), 56 (J21.32), 57 (J51.1), 62 (J211.2; J211.3), 63 (J212.1), 65 (J344.3), 66 (J351.2), 68 (J485), 69 (J621.1), 70 (J643.1), 71 (J681.1; J811.1), 74 (J951.2), 76 (J1061.1; J1064.2), 84 (J1531.4), 86 (J1791.4), 87 (J1812.2), 91 (J2301.4.12), 92 (J2413.1), 95 (K334.1; K402.3), 98 (K561.2; K579.5.1; K713.1.2), 102 (K1121.1; K1121.2; K1211), 108 (K2061.6), 109 (K2062), 115 (L452.2),119 (M212.2), 121 (M341.2.4), 133 (P521.1),146 (Q492), 147 (Q535.2.2), 157 (T51.1.2), 162 (T317.10), 166 (T452.6), 169 (T495.2; T494.5), 172 (U21.4), 173 (U114), 175 (U161), 197 (V465.1.1.1), 202 (W111.1.4; W111.1.5; W111.1.7), 203 (W121.2.1), 204 (W151.11; W154.2.1.1; W154.3; W154.4), 208 (X711.6).

Gómez Redondo, Fernando. "'E busca mensajera de unas negras patas': LBA, 441a. La parodia del derecho canónico." Cahiers de linguistique hispanique médiévale 22 (1998-99): 161-75.

______. Review. "de Looze, Laurence. Pseudo-Autobiography in the Fourteenth Century: Juan Ruiz, Guillaume de Machaut, Jean Froissart, and Geoffrey Chaucer. Gainesville: University Press of Florida, 1997," in The Medieval Review 98.06.11. (URL for subcribers).

González Pérez, Victor José. "Nos vemos en septiembre." in El Norte de Antonio Tovar 7, p. 9, jueves, 10 de abril de 1997.

*González-Casanovas, Roberto J. "Medieval Authors' Addresses to Text and Reader: Authoritarian, Exemplary, and Subversive Receptions." Romance Languages Annual, vol. 7 (1995), pp. 491-97.

Gould, Karen. Review. "John Dagenais, The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture: Glossing the Libro de buen amor." American Historical Review 100 (1995): 505

Goytisolo, Juan. Makbara. Barcelona: Mondadori, 1995

Grande Quejigo, Francisco Javier; and Santano Moreno, Bernardo. "The Love Debate Tradition in the Reception of Gower's Confessio Amantis in the Iberian Peninsula." Disputatio: An International Transdisciplinary Journal of the Late Middle Ages, 5 (2002), pp. 103-26.

*Hart, Thomas R.. "Exemplary Storytellers: Trotaconventos and Doña Garoza." in Macpherson, Ian & Ralph Penny, eds. The Medieval Mind: Hispanic Studies in Honour of Alan Deyermond, London: Tamesis, 1997, pp. 165-75.

Haywood, Louise M. "Juan Ruiz and the Libro de Buen Amor: Contexts and Milieu." In A Companion to the Libro de Buen Amor. Eds. Louise M. Haywood & Louise O. Vasvári. Great Britain: Tamesis, 2004, 21-38.

Ho, Cynthia. Review. "Brown, Catherine, Contrary Things: Exegesis, Dialectic, and the Poetics of Didacticism. Figurae: Reading Medieval Culture. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press, 1998.

Hutcheson, Gregory S. & Josiah Blackmore. Intod. a su Queer Iberia: Sexualities, Cultures, and Crossings from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999, pp. 1-19.

Johnson, Jane Ann. "Astrology in Late Medieval Spanish Poetry from the Libro de buen amor to the Cancionero de Estúñiga." Diss. University of Texas at Austin, 1996. Dissertations Abstracts Online Accession Number AAG633203.

__________. "Astrology in Late Medieval Spanish Poetry from the Libro de buen amor to the Cancionero de Estúñiga." Diss. University of Texas at Austin, 1996. DAI Vol. 57-06A, p. 2469.

Jurado, José. "Aguas byuas, LBA 302a." Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, 27:2 (2003 Winter), pp. 347-54.

____________. "Sobre la lección feste del Libro de buen amor." Revista de filología española 75 (1995), 287-300. 

Kaplan, Gregory. Review: "Medioevo y literatura: Actas del V Congreso de la Asociación Hispánica de Literatura Medieval, ed. Juan Paredes, 4 vols, Granada: 1995," in Hispanic Review 65 (1997), 331-333.

_____________.  Review. "The Medieval Mind: Hispanic Studies in Honour of Alan Deyermond." Hispanic Review 67 (1999): 554-56.

Kelly, Henry Ansgar. "Manuscript Mores and the Libro de buen amor: Review Essay (On Dagenais's The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture, Princeton, 1994)." Comparative Literature Studies 33.2 (1996), 187-197.

Kinkade, R.P. "A Thirteenth-Century Precursor of the Libro de buen amor: The Art D'Amors." Corónica 24.2 (1996), 123-39.

Kirby, Steven D, Eric W. Naylor, Dayle Seidenspinner-Núñez. Review. "(Dialogue Review): Dagenais, John. The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture: Glossing the Libro de buen amor, Princetonloma Gracia. Granada: Universidad de Granada, 1998, pp. 237-52.

Lawrance, Jeremy N.H. "The Rubrics in MS S of the Libro de buen amor," in Macpherson, Ian & Ralph Penny, eds. The Medieval Mind: Hispanic Studies in Honour of Alan Deyermond, London: Tamesis, 1997, pp. 223-252.

_________________. "Libro de Buen Amor: From Script to Print." In A Companion to the Libro de Buen Amor. Eds. Louise M. Haywood & Louise O. Vasvári. Great Britain: Tamesis, 2004, 39-68.

MacDonald, Elizabeth Drayson. "Translation or Re-creation? A Textual Comparison between Two Sections of Juan Ruiz's Libro de buen amor and their Latin and French Counterparts." Forum for Modern Language Studies 35 (1999): 372-85.

Mañas Núñez, Manuel. "Ensayo de crítica literaria y comparada: A propósito de algunas versiones de la fábula 'el grajo soberbio y el pavo' (PHAEDR. I 3). Anuario de estudios filológicos 12 (1999): 225-44.

*Márquez Villanueva, Francisco. "Spanish Cazurro Poetry." Obscenity. Social Control and Artistic Creation in the European Middle Ages, ed. Ian Ziolkowski. Leiden: Brill, 1998, pp. 90-107.

______. "Presencia judía en la literatura española: releyendo a Américo Castro." La sociedad medieval a través de la literatura hispanojudía, ed. Ricardo Izquierdo Benito & Angel Sáenz-Badillos. Cuenca: Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, 1998, pp. 11-28.

Martínez y Gil, Marisol. "La battaglia di Carnevale e Quaresima." Studi di Linguistica Romanza, a cura di


Marrero-Fente, Raúl. "De andanzas y otros menesteres: La Trotaconventos como alegoría de una búsqueda en el Libro de Buen Amor " Crítica Hispánica, 25:1-2 (2003), pp. 107-19. PQ6001 .C68

Livia Zanmarchi de Savorgnani & Paola Schulze-Belli, Trieste: Associazione di Cultura Medievale, 1995, pp. 47-74.

Martínez Torrejón, J. M.. "'Lo que semeja non es, oya bien tu oreja:' La retórica escondida del Libro de buen amor." Revista hispánica moderna 49 (1996), 357-67.

Mazelier, Roger. "Chronogrammes et Cabale chez les Troubadours et l'Archiprêtre de Hita, Livre 1.Les troubadours." Cahiers d'études cathares 16 Année III Serie No. 126 (1990), pp. 5-85.

Menocal, María Rosa. Review. "John Dagenais. The Ethics of Reading in a Manuscript Culture: Glossing the Libro de buen amor, Princeton, 1994," in Speculum 71, no. 1, Jan (1996), 148-50.

Miaja de la Peña, María Teresa. "'Busqué e fallé dueña del qual so deseoso' La figura femenina en el Libro de buen amor," in Company, Concepción, Aurelio González, et al, eds. Voces de la Edad Media. Mexico City: Universidad nacional autónoma de México, 1995, pp. 157-67.

______. "'Doñeguil, loçana, falaguera e donosa': La imagen de la mujer en el Libro de buen amor de Juan

Ruiz, Arcipreste de Hita," in González, Aurelio; Lillian Von der Walde, Concepción Company, eds, Palabra e imagen en la edad media: Actas de las IV Jornadas Medievales), México: Universidad nacional autónoma de México, 1995, pp. 381-92.

Mirrer-Singer, Louise. "The Widow and the Text: Ambivalent Signs in the Libro de buen amor," in her Women, Jews, and Muslims in the Texts of Reconquest Castile. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996, pp. 119-35.

Mitchell, Grace. "The Vida del Esopo: A Study of a Medieval Genre." Diss. U. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 1995.

______. "The Vida del Esopo: A Study of a Medieval Genre." Diss. U. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY, 1995. Dissertations Abstracts Online Accession Number AAI9613901.

Morales, Marisol. Review. "Libro de buen amor en versión y prólogo de Enrique Hoyos O, Bogotá, 1996."

Morros Mestres, Bienvenido. "El episodio de doña Garza a través de sus fábulas (Libro de buen amor, 1332-1507)." Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, 51:2 (2003), pp. 417-64.

Mosquera, Daniel O. "Las andanzas del diablo en el Libro de buen amor." Romance Languages Annual 8 (1997), 596-602.

Naylor, Eric W. Review: Carmen Juan Lovera and Francisco Toro Ceballos, Orígen andaluz de Juan Ruiz Arcipreste de Hita. Alcalá la Real, ayuntamiento, Delegación de cultura, 1995. in Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Glasgow) 74 (1997), 125-6.

_________. Review. "John Dagenais: The Ethics of Reading in Manuscript Culture:Glossing the Libro de buen amor, Princeton U. Press, 1994." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Glasgow) Vol. 75, no. 3, July (1998): 397-98.

Oldmixon, Katherine Durham. "Culture, History, and Genre in Three Late Medieval Works: Juan Ruiz's Libro de buen amor, Geoffrey Chaucer's Reeve's Tale, and Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus." Diss. University of Houston, 1994. Dissertation Abstracts Online Accession Number AAG1357716.

______. "Culture, History, and Genre in Three Late Medieval Works: Juan Ruiz's Libro de buen amor, Geoffrey Chaucer's Reeve's Tale, and Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus." Diss. University of Houston, 1994.

______. Culture, History, and Genre in Three Late Medieval Works: Juan Ruiz's Libro de buen amor, Geoffrey Chaucer's Reeve's Tale, and Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus." Diss. University of Houston, 1994. MAI Vol. 33-01, p. 0047.

Olivares Merino, Eugenio M. "'Glorie of Spayne': Juan Ruiz through the Eyes of an Englishman." Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses, 45 (2002), pp. 233-44. Spanish summary.

Orduna, Germán. "La coexistencia de cultura oral y pronunciación literaria..." in Penna, Rose & Maria A. Rosarrossa, eds. Studia hispánica medievalia III. Buenos Aires , 1995, pp. 128-36.

___________. "Hispanic Textual Criticism and the Stemmatic Value of the History of the Text." in Scholarly Editing: A Guide to Research, ed. D.C. Greetham. New York: Modern Language Association, 1995, pp. 486-503.

Ortega Sierra, Sara. "La romería a Santa María del Vado: En torno a la estructura y al género poético de un episodio olvidado del Libro de buen amor (§§ 1043-1058)." Revista de Estudios Hispánicos, 29:1-2 (2002), pp. 215-32. [  PC4001 .R48]

Parker, Margaret. "Another Analogue, Another Reading. Libro de buen amor 44-63: Greeks and Romans." Corónica 23.1 (Fall, 1994), 35-45.

Pérez López, José Luis. "El manuscrito 99-37 de la biblioteca de la catedral de Toledo y el manuscrito T del Libro de buen amor." Corónica: A Journal of Medieval Spanish Language and Literature, 31:2 (2003 Spring), pp. 137-75.


Pérez López, José Luis. "La fecha del Libro del buen amor." Incipit, 22 (2002), pp. 95-132. [PQ6001 .I52]


Pérez López, José Luis. "El Códice T del Libro de buen amor en su biblioteca: Averroístas y goliardos." Corónica: A Journal of Medieval Spanish Language and Literature, 31:1 (2002 Fall), pp. 69-106.


Primorac, Karen Johnson. "Tú, vos, and vuestra merced: Social and Stylistic Variation in Medieval Spanish." Diss. University of Michigan, 1996. Dissertation Abstracts Online Accession Number AAG9712062.

______. "Tú, vos, and vuestra merced: Social and Stylistic Variation in Medieval Spanish." Diss. University of Michigan, 1996. DAI, Vol. 57-11A, p. 4720.

______. Tú, vos, and vuestra merced: Social and Stylistic Variation in Medieval Spanish." :p>

___________. "Siesta de julio" (Libro de buen amor, 871-76). (Original poem based on LBA...). in Macpherson, Ian & Ralph Penny, eds, The Medieval Mind: Hispanic Studies in Honour of Alan Deyermond, London: Tamesis, 1997, p. xxv.

Reis Pinheiro, Suely. "Juan Ruiz y la parodia pictórica de Bosch y Bruegel, Hispanista II.5 (2001) []


Reyes Anzaldo, Celedonio. El arte de Juan Ruiz (Criterios de composición, intencionalidad artística y usos del exemplum en la diatriba del arcipreste a don Amor). Tesis inédita. México: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – Iztapalapa, 2003..


Ribeiro de Menezes, Alison. "Reciting/Re-Siting the Libro de buen amor in the Zoco: Irony, Orality and the Islamic in Juan Goytisolo's Makbara." MLN, 117:2 (2002 Mar), pp. 406-31.


Rivas, Elena. "Construcciones de objeto interno en castellano medieval. Intento de caracterización." Revista de filología románica 13 (1996), 39-60.

Rouhi, Leyla. "A Comparative Typology of the Medieval Go-Between in Light of Western-European, Near-Eastern, and Spanish Cases." Diss. Harvard, 1995. DAI order number 9539015.

_______. Mediation and Love: A Study of the Medieval Go-Between in Key Romance and Near Eastern Texts. (Brill's Studies in Intellectual History, V. 93), 1999 (See especially pp. 4, 5, 8, 205, 221, 225, 228, 231-41, 256, 257, 263, 284.)

______. "Trotaconventos, Doña Garoça and the Dynamics of Dialectical Reasoning in the Libro de buen amor." Bulletin of Hispanic Studies (Liverpool) 76 (1999): 21-33. Available via "unCover": (Search under "Libro de buen amor"):

Round, Nicholas G. "Juan Ruiz and Some Versions of Nummus," in Macpherson, Ian & Ralph Penny, eds.,

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