Q. |
How do I get more information about the program? Whom
do I contact with questions? |
A. |
The entire program brochure is available online at the main NW Cádiz Program web page, as is the application form, the housing form, current program fees, etc. Hardcopy is also available at UW in PDL C-104, [Box 354360 Div. of Spanish & Port. UW, Seattle 98195] and from the IPE office at WWU and by request. Please read through the brochure before seeking answers to questions from program or UW staff. The general director of the program (identified on home page) will be happy to respond to your questions and direct you to those who can provide the answers you need. Several semesters of student evaluations of all aspects of the program are on file at the IPE office and in PDL C-104. |
Q. |
By when will we be told whether or not we have been
accepted into the program? |
A. |
We formally admit qualified students within a few weeks of their having completed their application (this includes receipt of faculty recommendations). An email to the General Director of the program alerting her or him of a completed application file is helpful. Students are admitted on a first come, first serve basis up to the program limit (approx. 35), so it is to your advantage to apply early. In any case we will contact all applicants by the dates published for fall and spring acceptances |
Q. |
Does the program operate in the summer? |
A. |
No. This is a two semester program. Students can enroll
for fall or spring semesters or both. |
Q: |
How and where do I sign on for and pay for the group flight ticket? |
A. |
Contact Prof. Farris Anderson, program Travel Coordinator (furman@u.washington.edu) for information about the group flight. Each semester, he will send students accepted into the program the group flight request (which will also then be made available at this web site). |
Q. |
If I don't get in for fall, do I get my application fee back? |
A. |
Naturally. The other option, if you so choose, is to leave it on deposit for the spring program, with a statement of your desire to have the application kept active for spring. |
Q. |
Can I pay my program fees by credit card? |
A. |
Unfortunately, no. Not at this time. Year-long students commonly solve the problem of paying fees in spring by leaving a post-dated check on deposit with the program (Padelford, C-104). |
Q. |
I'm on financial aid and I'm concerned about deadlines for
paying program fees. I'm also a little worried about managing on the amount
I'll have at my disposal. |
A. |
For students receiving financial aid, normally we can wait
for payment until the scheduled distribution dates for financial aid (that
is, delayed payments of the program fee). However, you must consult with Prof. Farris Anderson (furman@u.washington.edu) about
setting up a payment plan and we ask that you arrange to have the financial
aid. office send him some kind of official confirmation of your eligibility,
as well as an indication of when the funds will be released. In any event,
before leaving the country ALL STUDENTS must make arrangements for
payments of program fees (by check, not credit card) to be sent directly to
the program. (NW Cadiz Program
-- Box 354360). |
Q. |
Where and when do I send the concurrent enrollment form
and the medical form? |
A. |
For UW and WWU students your concurrent enrollment and
medical forms should go to your Office of International Programs (for UW: Box
355815 UW, Seattle 98195-5815), but before turning in the medical form, ALL STUDENTS must make
and send a copy of it (in a sealed envelope, if you wish) to the Division of
Spanish & Portuguese: NW Cádiz Program, Box 354360 UW Seattle WA 98195.
Get both taken care of as soon as possible. |
Q: |
What about medical insurance? |
A. |
The program provides comprehensive medical coverage for all students on the program. You will be covered from about 2 days after arrival in Cádiz until the date of the group flight home (Dec. for fall semester only students; June for spring and year-long students. The insurance covers everything except for medications (prescription or otherwise). All students should purchase an ISIC card (required for the group flight). This provides for up to $20,000 for emergency medical evacuation - well worth it for the peace of mind. Most students carry no other insurance nor need any. Full hospitalization, visits to emergency ward, specialists, etc. No deductible. |
Q: |
I’m unclear about the student visa. Do I need one? How
do I get it? |
A. |
Yes, all students who will be staying in Spain (or any of the Schengen countries) for longer than 90 days must have a student visa. This means all of you. All Washington residents apply to the Consulate of Spain in San Francisco. See the link on the Cádiz home page for specific instructions. The application process will be reviewed carefully at the 1st orientation meeting for students accepted into the program. If you will be in Spain (or any Schengen country) for longer than 90 days but less than 6 months, you will be issued a 6 mo. visa. If you will be in Spain or any Schengen country for longer than 6 months, you will be issued a 3 mo. visa and will apply for a student residence card after you arrive in Spain (during our Orientation program). Once you have applied for the residence card (and even before you get it), your visa is in fact extended beyond the date printed on it. Be sure to complete all questions on the downloadable student visa application form, including date of departure and return to US, airline and flight number, etc. It is critical that you check “multiple entries” on this form so that you can travel freely in and out of the Schengen countries while abroad. As of Nov. 2003 the best site for downloading the visa application form seems to be http://www.spainconsul-ny.org/Boston/english/visastub.htm. Don’t sign it until you are before a notary. |
Q. |
What portion of the Spanish major can I do in Cádiz. |
A. |
For UW students, credit can be earned for everything beyond 203. The UW core courses 321,322 are offered fall quarter and 323, 322 and 321 are offered spring quarter. Students earn course credits for the level at which they are working. The same rules apply as at the UW: 300-level credits must be finished before undertaking 400-level coursework. However, because ours is a semester program, we provide extra leaway at the transition between levels. The last 300’s and first 400’s can be undertaken simultaneously, although students must have completed 303 before they are allowed to earn credit for 406. (All courses count towards the minor, as well.) |
Q. |
CREDITS: I know I can get 45 UW quarter credits for 2
semesters of study on the Cadiz program, but I'm thinking of going only for
the spring semester. Will I be able to earn the 30 UW quarter credits I would
get if I stayed on campus for Winter and Spring quarters? |
A. |
Yes. There are at least 2 ways to do it. The most obvious, but not necessarily the most appealing, would be to take 6 courses spring semester. Another scenario is to combine courses (4-5) with independent study projects which, of course, will have the added advantage of getting you out into the community and surrounding areas. In fact, for that very reason, all students should think seriously about doing an independant project spring semester. Start giving some thought to the sorts of experiences and research activities you would like to have. Remember that you can earn 2 cr. each for any two of three extra-curricular activities we offer by taking one or two of them for 2 months each. (General Ed. credits, not major credit). This is another way to earn 4 extra credits, rather than take an extra course. These activities are: sevillana/flamenco dance; classical Spanish guitar and/or flamenco guitar; ceramics. |
Q. |
When do I register for classes? |
A. |
You will have all worked up a tentative schedule of classes with your advisors (at UW, Elena Johns, with whom you MUST meet before leaving for Cádiz). The UW IPE office will automatically enroll you for 12 foreign study credits each quarter of your projected stay. (Financial Aid recipients must register for 5 courses in spring quarter to remain eligible. One course can be an Ind. Study, if you choose.) You will actually register for specific classes during orientation period in Cádiz with the Resident Director. |
Q: |
When and where can students who have made their own
travel arrangements meet up with the group? |
A. |
Always let the resident director of the program know of your travel plans. (S)he will alert the housing coordinator and families in Spain and put you in touch with your family. As a general rule, those who arrive on their own are requested to be in Cádiz by the official arrival date and to meet up with the busload of students arriving from Jerez and the host families at the appointed time and place (usually around 3-3:30 in the Plaza de de la Hispanidad, enfrente de Comes bus station). |
Q. |
Is there an address we can use to send things on ahead so we don't have to carry so much on the flight? |
A. |
Yes. For students who need to send things ahead by mail,
if you do not yet have the name and address of your host family, the program address is: Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (Despacho C) |
Q. |
Addresses and phone numbers in Cádiz? |
A. |
See the appropriate link from the home page for each year. |
Q: |
Is there any change in the courses available since the brochure
was published? |
A. |
The online brochure is updated annually. The basic lineup of fall and spring courses is constant, with a class added or supressed occasionally in response to enrollment figures. |
Q. |
Will we have access to email in Cadiz? |
A. |
Students will have email access at the Fac. de Filosofía y Letras several times a week. During the academic year the schedule tends to be 4-6 pm at least 3 times a week. During September Orientation, when the U. of Cádiz is not yet in session, students have extended hours of access. |
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