Congrats to Andrea Willson for defending her ME thesis

Andrea Willson DefensePhoto

Andrea Willson successfully defended her MS ME thesis entitled, “A Quasi-Passive Biarticular Prosthesis and Novel Amputee Musculoskeletal Model for Transtibial Amputees”. She will be teaching Biomechanics at Seattle University in the fall.

Congratulations Andrea!


opensim_amputee_model    BP_final_design

Left, transtibial amputee Opensim musculoskeletal model; Right, Biarticular prosthesis with 1: Biarticular spring that actuates the ankle and knee when stretched. 2: Ratcheted (one-way) clutch that engages the spring when a minimum knee-to-ankle distance is reached. 3: Rigid thigh cuff that enables proximal attachment. 4: Uprights that support the thigh cuff and maintain knee alignment. 5: iPecs 6 DoF load cell to detect heel strike. 6: Load cell to measure spring force.


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