Neil F. Abernethy, Ph.D.

Neil F. Abernethy, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Medical Education and Biomedical Informatics

Joint Assistant Professor, Health Services, School of Public Health


B.S. Biochemistry, NCSU (1993)

B.S. Applied Mathematics, NCSU (1993)

Ph.D. Biomedical Informatics, Stanford University (2005)

Scientific programming focused on molecular evolution, knowledge representation for bioinformatics (bio-ontologies), and genetic networks (Ingenuity Systems). Graduate training involving molecular evolution, epidemiology, social network models of infectious disease, and interactive data visualization to integrate complex public health information.  Post-graduate experience in epidemiology and biostatistics.

Current research

Public Health Informatics standards, epidemic models, and molecular epidemiology in the context of global health.  Scientific and social networks as they pertain to collaborative research.

Other interests: Novel 3-D imaging displays, environmental interventions for infectious disease, high-throughput biology, evolutionary game theory.

Email: Neila