QMETH 450: Winter 2005
Spreadsheet Models for Managerial Decision Making





Instructor: Mark Hillier
Office: Mackenzie 211
Office Hours: Mondays 4:00-6:00
e-mail: mhillier@u.washington.edu
course web site: http://faculty.washington.edu/mhillier/qmeth450/
Phone: 685-1912


Course Description

This course introduces the use of spreadsheets for analyzing quantitative aspects of business problems. Spreadsheet packages now have features that allow managers to perform sophisticated quantitative analysis in the comfortable and intuitive environment of the spreadsheet. This gives managers the power of quantitative analysis tools without forcing them to use unfamiliar mathematical notation. Several Excel add-ins and templates will be used, including Solver for optimization, TreePlan for decision analysis, Crystal Ball for simulation, and spreadsheet templates for waiting line analysis. Applications from a variety of business areas will be discussed, including finance, marketing, and operations. Some example applications include portfolio optimization, cash flow management, capital budgeting, media selection for advertising, production planning, project management, service capacity planning, supply chain optimization, and more.


Required Materials

Text: Hillier and Hillier, Introduction to Management Science: A Modeling and Case Studies Approach with Spreadsheets, Second Edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2003.

Course Packet will be available from RAMS Copy Center (4144 University Way), includes copies of all class transparencies.


Course Packet

I have prepared extensive course notes that I use as overheads during lecture. These course notes include examples that we will work together in class and other lecture material. The course notes are not intended as material that you use to prepare for class; my intent is for them to make it easier for you to listen, ask questions, and participate in class, rather than take lots of your own notes during the lectures.



Microsoft Excel (including Solver), TreePlan (available on the textbook CD), Crystal Ball and OptQuest (available on the textbook CD and installed on the computers in the Balmer labs).


Grading Policy

The course grade will be based on class participation, problem sets, and two exams, with the following weights:

Class Participation 5%
Problem Sets 35%
Midterm 30%
Final Exam 30%


Problem Sets

There will be six graded problem sets. These can be done individually, or working in pairs. If working in pairs it is expected that both partners will work together on all problems, rather than splitting up the problems and working on them individually. Discussing problems with others in the class is encouraged, however it is expected that you will make every effort to complete each assignment relying primarily on your own understanding of the material. Other students should be used to resolve difficulties that you cannot manage on your own. Information sharing should be in the form of discussion and explanation, and should not include copying of computer files (beyond your partner). Each student or pair should turn in his/her/their own solution to each assignment either via e-mail (preferred), or on a clearly-labeled disk no later than the start of class on the day it is due. Please title the file as your lastname(s), followed by the problem set number (e.g., Hillier1.xls or HillierAustin1.xls). If possible, include all spreadsheets in a single workbook on separate tabs.



The midterm exam and final exam will both be take-home exams. You will be given approximately one week for each. These exams are open book and open notes, but must be completed without assistance from any other person.



  • Optimization with Spreadsheets using Solver, including:
    • Linear Programming
    • Sensitivity Analysis
    • Transportation and Assignment Problems
    • Network Optimization Problems
    • Integer and Nonlinear Programming
    • Multi-Objective Optimization
    • Applications of Optimization in Finance, Marketing, and Operations
  • Decision Analysis with Spreadsheets using TreePlan, including
    • Decision Making under Uncertainty
    • Sequential Decisions and the Value of Information
    • Developing Decision Support Systems
    • Risk Attitudes and Utility Functions
  • Simulation with Spreadsheets using Crystal Ball, including
    • Monte Carlo Simulation
    • Optimizing with Simulation
    • Applications of Simulation in Finance, Marketing, and Operations
  • Analysis of Waiting Lines