Source code for mmf.solve.solvers

r"""Iterative solvers.

This module contains methods for solving iterative problems.
from __future__ import division

__all__ = ['SimpleIteration', 'Broyden', 'ModifiedBroyden',
           'LineSearch', 'extrapolate_range']

from zope.interface import implements

import numpy as np

from mmf.objects import process_vars
from mmf.objects import ClassVar

from mmf.solve import solver_interface, solver_utils
from mmf.solve.broyden_solvers import Broyden, ModifiedBroyden
from mmf.solve.solver_interface import IterationError, Mesg

_FINFO = np.finfo(float)
_TINY = _FINFO.tiny
_ABS_TOL = 1e-12
_REL_TOL = 1e-12
_MESGS = Mesg()

def _extrapolate(x, x0, x_controls, c_min=0.1):
    r"""Provide a convex extrapolator."""
    if x_controls is None:
        return x

    inds, vals = x_controls
    inds = np.asarray(inds, dtype=int)
    vals = np.asarray(vals)

    if x0 is None:
        # No dx, so we just enforce constraints.
        x[inds] = vals
        return x

    dx = x - x0

    # These are the values of c where v = c*dx
    c = np.divide(vals - x0[inds], dx[inds])

    # These are indices that must be constrained and the indices
    # that cannot be constrained (otherwise there would be too
    # short a step) and so who's values should be simply set.
    constrained_inds = np.where(np.logical_and(
        0 <= c, c < 1))[0]
    set_inds = np.where(
        np.logical_and(0 <= c, c < 1, c < c_min))[0]

    if 0 == len(constrained_inds):
        # Nothing
        return x

    c_step = max(c[constrained_inds].min(), c_min)
    x = x0 + c_step*dx
    x[inds[set_inds]] = vals[set_inds]
    return x

[docs]class SimpleIteration(solver_interface.Solver): r"""This solver simple performs direct iteration with a weight or a simple weighted Newton's step (if a direction is supplied by the problem). Examples -------- >>> from mmf.solve.solver_interface import Problem, BareState >>> from mmf.objects import process_vars, Required, Computed >>> class Sqrt(Problem): ... '''Iterative solution to sqrt(n).''' ... _state_vars = [ ... ('n', Required, 'Array of n to compute sqrt(n)'), ... ('state0', Computed)] ... process_vars() ... def __init__(self, *varargin, **kwargs): ... self.n = np.array(self.n) ... self.state0 = BareState(x_=self.n) ... def F(self, x, iter_data={}, compute_dx=False, ... abs_tol=None, rel_tol=None, mesgs=_MESGS): ... '''Return one step of Newton's method `F(x)`.''' ... return x - (x*x - self.n)/x/2.0 >>> Sqrt.has_F True >>> solver = SimpleIteration(x_tol=0.01, G_tol=0.01, weight=0.5) >>> problem = Sqrt(n=[1.0, 4.0, 9.0]) >>> state = problem.get_initial_state() >>> state, niter = solver.solve(problem=problem, state=state) >>> list(state.x_) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [1.0..., 2.0..., 3.0...] """ implements(solver_interface.ISolver) _state_vars = [ ('weight', 1.0, "New step `x1 + weight*dx`"), ('c_min', 0.1, r"""Used by :meth:`_extrapolate`. When reducing the step size to satisfy constraints, components are not extrapolated to less than this value of their original length to ensure that progress is always made."""), ] process_vars()
[docs] def iterate(self, x, problem, solver_data, x0=None, G0=None, dx0=None, F0=None, mesgs=_MESGS): r"""Perform a single iteration and return the triplet (x_new, x_prev, G(x_prev)). The latter two entries are required for convergence checking. Mutate solver_data if used. If there are any problems, then either an exception should be raise, or a message should be appended to the list mesg. """ def extrapolate(x_controls): return _extrapolate(x, x0, x_controls, self.c_min) (x1, G1, dx1, F1) = self.problem_step( problem=problem, solver_data=solver_data, x=x, x0=x0, G0=G0, dx0=dx0, F0=F0, compute_dx=True, compute_F=True, extrapolate=extrapolate, abs_tol=np.minimum(self.x_tol, self.G_tol), rel_tol=self.x_tol_rel, mesgs=mesgs) if dx1 is not None: x_new = x1 + self.weight*dx1 elif F1 is not None: x_new = self.weight*F1 + (1 - self.weight)*x1 else: raise ValueError( "%s solver requires either dx or F." % (self.__class__.__name__)) return (x_new, (x1, G1, dx1, F1))
[docs]class LineSearch(solver_interface.Solver): r"""This solver simple performs direct iteration with a line search. If the problem supports it, then Newton's method is applied. Examples -------- >>> from solver_interface import Problem, BareState >>> from mmf.objects import process_vars, Required, Computed >>> class Sqrt(Problem): ... '''Iterative solution to sqrt(n).''' ... _state_vars = [ ... ('n', Required, 'Array of n to compute sqrt(n)'), ... ('state0', Computed)] ... process_vars() ... def __init__(self, *varargin, **kwargs): ... self.n = np.array(self.n) ... self.state0 = BareState(x_=self.n) ... def F(self, x, iter_data=None, compute_dx=False, ... abs_tol=None, rel_tol=None, mesgs=_MESGS): ... '''Return G(x) = x - F(x) where F(x) is one step of ... Newton's method.''' ... return x - (x*x - self.n)/x/2.0 >>> solver = LineSearch(x_tol=0.01, G_tol=0.01, weight=0.5) >>> problem = Sqrt(n=[1.0, 4.0, 9.0]) >>> state = problem.get_initial_state() >>> sol, niter = solver.solve(problem=problem, state=state) >>> list(sol.x_) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [1.0..., 2.0..., 3.0...] Now we try using Newton's method, but as implemented by LineSearch. >>> class Sqrt(Problem): ... '''Iterative solution to sqrt(n).''' ... _state_vars = [ ... ('n', Required, 'Array of n to compute sqrt(n)'), ... ('state0', Computed), ... ('has_dx', ClassVar(True))] ... process_vars() ... def __init__(self, *varargin, **kwargs): ... self.n = np.array(self.n) ... self.state0 = BareState(x_=self.n) ... def G(self, x, iter_data={}, compute_dx=False, ... abs_tol=None, rel_tol=None, mesgs=_MESGS): ... '''Return G(x) = x - F(x) where F(x) is one step of ... Newton's method.''' ... G = x*x - self.n ... dx = -G/x/2.0 ... return G, dx >>> solver = LineSearch(x_tol=0.01, G_tol=0.01, weight=0.5) >>> problem = Sqrt(n=[1.0, 4.0, 9.0]) >>> state = problem.get_initial_state() >>> sol, niter = solver.solve(problem=problem, state=state) >>> list(sol.x_) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [1.0..., 2.0..., 3.0...] """ implements(solver_interface.ISolver) _state_vars = [ ('weight', 1.0, r"""New step is a mixture with old step. (weight = 1.0 has no old step, weight=0.0 does not move.)"""), ('ls_exact', False, r"""If `True`, then the line search algorithm attempts to find the exact minimum to tolerance :attr:`ls_exact_rel_tol`"""), ('ls_strategy', 'default'), ('ls_exact_rel_tol', 1e-5), ('ls_avg_descent_factor', 1e-4, r"""To ensure that we terminate, the line search algorithm requires that each step descend with at least this slope, otherwise the routine will terminate with an error indicating that a local minimum was found rather than a root."""), ('ls_min_scale_factor', 0.1, r"""Minimum factor by which the step size is reduced in the line search. See :func:`solver_utils.line_search`."""), ('ls_max_scale_factor', 0.5, r"""Minimum factor by which the step size is reduced in the line search. See :func:`solver_utils.line_search`."""), ('ls_max_steps', 10, r"""Maximum number of line search steps to take before bailing out."""), ('min_step', 1e-12, r"""To ensure termination, if the step size becomes smaller than this, then the routine will terminate, raising an :exc:`IterationError` exception."""), ('bad_step_factor', 1.1, r"""For the first :attr:`N_bad_steps`, the algorithm allows steps where the error increases by this factor. This can allow and algorithm to "explore" a bit before settling into convergence pattern. This can be useful in a deep valley where requiring a strict decrease in magnitude can prevent convergence. """), ('N_bad_steps', 0, r"""For this number of steps, an increase in the error by :attr:`bad_step_factor`is permitted."""), ('c_min', 0.1, r"""Used by :meth:`_extrapolate`. When reducing the step size to satisfy constraints, components are not extrapolated to less than this value of their original length to ensure that progress is always made."""), ] process_vars()
[docs] def iterate(self, x, problem, solver_data, x0=None, G0=None, dx0=None, F0=None, mesgs=_MESGS): r"""Return `(x_new, (x_prev, G(x_prev), dx_prev, F(x_prev))`. Mutate `solver_data` if used. If there are any problems, then either an exception should be raise, or a message should be appended to the list mesg. Raises ------ :class:`solver_interface.IterationError` If a step cannot be found because function does not decrease fast enough, or step size is too small. """ if x0 is None: # First step x1 = x else: dx = x - x0 x_new = [None] trust_dg = False if problem.has_G: def g(l): x_new[0] = x0 + l*dx _G = self.problem_G( problem=problem, solver_data=solver_data, x=x_new[0], compute_dx=False, mesgs=mesgs)[0] if (hasattr(solver_data, 'Jinv_G') and solver_data.Jinv_G is not None): solver_data.Jinv_G.update(dx=l*dx, dg=_G - G0) return np.linalg.norm(_G/problem.G_scale, ord=self.norm_p)**2 g0 = np.linalg.norm(G0/problem.G_scale, ord=self.norm_p)**2 if problem.has_dx: trust_dg = True else: def g(l): x_new[0] = x0 + l*dx _F = self.problem_F( problem=problem, solver_data=solver_data, x=x_new[0], mesgs=mesgs) _G = x_new[0] - _F if (hasattr(solver_data, 'Jinv_F') and solver_data.Jinv_F is not None): solver_data.Jinv_F.update(dx=l*dx, dg=_F - F0) return np.linalg.norm(_G/problem.G_scale, ord=self.norm_p)**2 g0 = np.linalg.norm((x0 - F0)/problem.G_scale, ord=self.norm_p)**2 if self.ls_exact: l, g_l = solver_utils.exact_line_search(g=g, g0=g0, rel_tol=self.ls_exact_rel_tol) else: try: l, g_l = solver_utils.line_search( g=g, g0=g0, trust_dg=trust_dg, avg_descent_factor=self.ls_avg_descent_factor, min_step=self.min_step/np.linalg.norm(dx), min_scale_factor=self.ls_min_scale_factor, max_scale_factor=self.ls_max_scale_factor, max_steps=self.ls_max_steps, mesgs=mesgs) except solver_utils.NoDescentError, err: mesgs.warn(str(err) + "\nTrying without trusting dg.") # Try once more without trusting dg l, g_l = solver_utils.line_search( g=g, g0=g0, trust_dg=False, avg_descent_factor=self.ls_avg_descent_factor, min_step=self.min_step/np.linalg.norm(dx), min_scale_factor=self.ls_min_scale_factor, max_scale_factor=self.ls_max_scale_factor, max_steps=self.ls_max_steps, mesgs=mesgs) x1 = x_new[0] def extrapolate(x_controls): return _extrapolate(x1, x0, x_controls, self.c_min) compute_G = compute_F = False compute_dx = True if not problem.has_dx: compute_F = True x, G, dx, F = self.problem_step( problem=problem, solver_data=solver_data, x=x1, x0=x0, G0=G0, dx0=dx0, F0=F0, compute_G=compute_G, compute_dx=compute_dx, compute_F=compute_F, extrapolate=extrapolate, abs_tol=np.minimum(self.G_tol, self.x_tol), rel_tol=self.x_tol_rel, mesgs=mesgs) if dx is not None: x_new = x + dx elif F is not None: x_new = ((1.0 - self.weight)*x + self.weight*F) else: raise ValueError( "%s solver requires either dx or F." % (self.__class__.__name__)) dx = x_new - x return (x_new, (x, G, dx, F))
[docs]def extrapolate_range(x, inds, mins, maxs, extrapolate): r"""Return new `x` extrapolated using `extrapolate` such that `mins <= x[inds] <= maxs`. Parameters ---------- x : array Input array. inds : array of ints Index array. mins, maxs : array Range of specified variables. extrapolate : function Extrapolation function. See :meth:`solver_interface.IProblem.step` for details. """ inds = np.asarray(inds) mins = np.asarray(mins) maxs = np.asarray(maxs) s = set([]) while True: x1 = np.minimum(x[inds], maxs) x1 = np.maximum(x1, mins) s1 = set(np.where(x[inds] != x1)[0]) if not s1 - s: # There are no new elements out of range break s = s.union(s1) i_ = list(s) x = extrapolate((inds[i_], x1[i_])) if s: x[inds[i_]] = x1[i_] return x