Source code for mmf.math.fft
r"""Wrappers for the FFT. Uses the :pkg:`anfft` package if available (which
wraps the FFTW3), otherwise uses :mod:`numpy.fft`."""
import functools
import warnings
__all__ = ['fft', 'ifft', 'fftn', 'ifftn', 'rfft', 'irfft', 'rfftn', 'irfftn',
'fftshift', 'ifftshift', 'fftfreq']
__ANFFT = False
from numpy.fft import fftfreq, fftshift, ifftshift
import anfft
__ANFFT = True
__MEASURE = True
except ImportError, err:
warnings.warn("Could not import `anfft`. Using `numpy.fft`: " + str(err))
import numpy.fft
# Wrap all __ANFFT functions to pass measure=True.
def _wrapfft(f):
def fnew(a, *v, **kw):
if __ANFFT:
kw.setdefault('measure', __MEASURE)
mod = anfft
mod = numpy.fft
return getattr(mod, f.__name__)(a, **kw)
return fnew
[docs]def irfft(): pass
# Wrap all *fftn functions to allow `k` to be specified (as per anfft) or to
# fallback to numpy routines if `s` or `axes arguments are provided.
def _wrapfftn(f):
def fnew(a, *v, **kw):
if 'k' in kw and not __ANFFT:
kw['axes'] = range(-kw.pop('k'), 0)
if __ANFFT and not v and not 'axes' in kw and not 's' in kw:
kw.setdefault('measure', __MEASURE)
mod = anfft
mod = numpy.fft
return getattr(mod, f.__name__)(a, **kw)
return fnew
del warnings, _wrapfft, _wrapfftn