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DocWrapper([width, initial_indent, ...]) Wrap text in a document, processing each paragraph individually.
trim(docstring) Docstring trimmer from PEP0257

Inheritance diagram for mmf.utils.text:

Inheritance diagram of mmf.utils.text

Provides a subclass of textwrap.TextWrapper that allows for multiple paragraphs. Based on

class mmf.utils.text.DocWrapper(width=70, initial_indent='', subsequent_indent='', expand_tabs=True, replace_whitespace=True, fix_sentence_endings=False, break_long_words=True, drop_whitespace=True, break_on_hyphens=True)[source]

Bases: textwrap.TextWrapper

Wrap text in a document, processing each paragraph individually.

>>> DocWrapper(initial_indent='  ').fill("Hi")
'  Hi'
>>> a = '''This is an example of how to use a
...                        long multiline string to document a
...                        parameter.  This paragraph will be
...                        wrapped, but special formatting should
...                        be preserved if it is indented:
...                           1) A series of points
...                           2) Here is a longer point
...                        You can use paragraphs too!  They will
...                        also be wrapped for you.'''
>>> print DocWrapper(width=66).fill(a)
This is an example of how to use a long multiline string to
document a parameter.  This paragraph will be wrapped, but special
formatting should be preserved if it is indented:
   1) A series of points
   2) Here is a longer point

You can use paragraphs too!  They will also be wrapped for you.
>>> b = ('''This is an example of a docstring which has some
...        formatting:
...            1) Here is an indented point w/o wrapping.
...            2) Another indented point.  This one is a''' + 
...     ''' very long line.  This should *not* be wrapped.
...     ''')
>>> print DocWrapper(width=66).fill(b) 
This is an example of a docstring which has some formatting:
    1) Here is an indented point w/o wrapping.
    2) Another indented point.  This one is a very long line.  This should *not* be wrapped.


fill((text : string) -> string) Reformat the single paragraph in ‘text’ to fit in lines of no
wrap(text) Override textwrap.TextWrapper to process ‘text’ properly when

Override textwrap.TextWrapper to process ‘text’ properly when multiple paragraphs present


Docstring trimmer from PEP0257

>>> trim('')