example1() | Here is a simple example where we pass a numpy array called x to weave. |
Documentation for mmf.examples.inline_example.
Here we give some concrete examples of the use of scipy.weave for including C++ code in your python code. First, the documentation:
inline – a function for including C/C++ code within Python blitz – a function for compiling Numeric expressions to C++ ext_tools – a module that helps construct C/C++ extension modules. accelerate – a module that inline accelerates Python functions
On Linux one needs to have the Python development headers installed in order to be able to compile things with the weave module. Since this is a runtime dependency these headers (typically in a pythonX.Y-dev package) are not always installed when installing scipy.
Inline C/C++ code within Python scripts.
inline() compiles and executes C/C++ code on the fly. Variables in the local and global Python scope are also available in the C/C++ code. Values are passed to the C/C++ code by assignment much like variables passed are passed into a standard Python function. Values are returned from the C/C++ code through a special argument called return_val. Also, the contents of mutable objects can be changed within the C/C++ code and the changes remain after the C code exits and returns to Python.
inline has quite a few options as listed below. Also, the keyword arguments for distutils extension modules are accepted to specify extra information needed for compiling.
Parameters : | code : string
arg_names : [str], optional
local_dict : dict, optional
global_dict : dict, optional
force : {0, 1}, optional
compiler : str, optional
verbose : {0,1,2}, optional
support_code : str, optional
headers : [str], optional
customize : base_info.custom_info, optional
type_converters : [type converters], optional
auto_downcast : {1,0}, optional
newarr_converter : int, optional
Other Parameters: | |
Relevant :mod:`distutils` keywords. These are duplicated from Greg Ward’s : :class:`distutils.extension.Extension` class for convenience: : sources : [string]
include_dirs : [string]
define_macros : [(name
undef_macros : [string]
library_dirs : [string]
libraries : [string]
runtime_library_dirs : [string]
extra_objects : [string]
extra_compile_args : [string]
extra_link_args : [string]
export_symbols : [string]
swig_opts : [string]
depends : [string]
language : string
See also
Here we demonstrate some key features.
Here is a simple example where we pass a numpy array called x to weave. Inspecting the generated code (listed below) we obtain the following information:
This is the type of code generated by weave:
py::object return_val;
int exception_occured = 0;
PyObject *py__locals = NULL;
PyObject *py__globals = NULL;
PyObject *py_x;
py_x = NULL;
/* argument conversion code */
py_x = get_variable("x", raw_locals, raw_globals);
PyArrayObject* x_array = convert_to_numpy(py_x, "x");
// Number of dimensions
int Dx = x_array->nd;
npy_intp* Nx = x_array->dimensions;
npy_intp* Sx = x_array->strides;
#define X1(i) (*((double*)(x_array->data + (i)*Sx[0])))
#define X2(i,j) (*((double*)(x_array->data + (i)*Sx[0] + (j)*Sx[1])))
#define X3(i,j,k) (*((double*)(x_array->data + (i)*Sx[0] + (j)*Sx[1] + (k)*Sx[2])))
#define X4(i,j,k,l) (*((double*)(x_array->data + (i)*Sx[0] + (j)*Sx[1] + (k)*Sx[2] + (l)*Sx[3])))
double* x = (double*) x_array->data;
/* inline code */
/* hash(support_code) = 831520531. This is used to force",
a recompile if the support_code changes. */
return_val = norm(x.data, x->dimensions);
Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS /*I would like to fill in changed locals and globals here...*/
return_val = py::object();
exception_occured = 1;
/* cleanup code */
#undef X1
#undef X2
#undef X3
#undef X4
Here is the square root of the sum of the squares of the integers from 1 to 24 inclusive computed using a custom norm function.
>>> example1()