Dethier, M.N. 1980. Tidepools as refuges: predation and the limits of the harpacticoid copepod Tigriopus californicus (Baker). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 42: 99-111.
Dethier, M.N. 1981. Heteromorphic algal life histories: the seasonal pattern and response to herbivory of the brown crust, Ralfsia californica. Oecologia 49: 333-339.
Dethier, M.N. 1982. Pattern and process in tidepool algae: factors influencing seasonality and distribution. Bot. Mar. 25: 55-66.
Dethier, M.N. 1984. Disturbance and recovery in intertidal pools: maintenance of mosaic patterns. Ecol. Monogr. 54: 99-116.
Dethier, M.N. and D.O. Duggins. 1984. An "indirect commensalism" between marine herbivores and the importance of competitive hierarchies. Am. Nat. 124:205-219.
Duggins, D.O. and M.N. Dethier. 1985. Experimental studies on herbivory and algal competition in a low intertidal habitat. Oecologia 67: 183-191.
Dethier, M.N. 1987. The distribution and reproductive phenology of intertidal fleshy crustose algae in Washington. Can. J. Bot. 65:1838-1850.
Dethier, M.N. and D.O. Duggins 1988. Variation in strong interactions along a geographical gradient: a Washington-Alaska comparison. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 50:97-105.
Dethier, M.N., D.O. Duggins, and T.F. Mumford. 1989. Harvesting of non-traditional marine resources: trends and concerns. Northwest Environmental Journal 5:71-87.
Steneck, R.S., S.D. Hacker and M.N. Dethier. 1991. Mechanisms of competitive dominance between crustose coralline algae: an herbivore-mediated reversal. Ecology 72:938-950.
Dethier, M.N., K.M. Paull and M.M. Woodbury. 1991. Distribution and thickness patterns of subtidal encrusting algae from Washington. Botanica Marina 34:201-210.
Dethier, M.N. 1992. Classifying marine and estuarine natural communities: an alternative to the Cowardin system. Natural Areas Journal 12(2):90-100.
Dethier, M.N. 1992. Sampling biodiversity of the marine intertidal zone of the Olympic coast. Northwest Environmental Journal 8:139-140 (Research Note).
Dethier, M.N., Graham, E.S., Cohen, S., and Tear, L.M. 1993. Visual versus random-point percent cover estimations: "objective" is not always better. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 96:93-100.
Steneck, R.S. and M.N. Dethier 1994. A functional group approach to the structure of algal dominated communities. Oikos 69:476-498.
Dethier, M.N. 1994. The ecology of intertidal algal crusts: variation within a functional group. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 177:37-71.
Steneck, R.S. and M.N. Dethier. 1995. Are functional classifications different for marine vs terrestrial plants? A reply to Grime. Oikos 73:122-124.
Schoch, G.C. and M.N. Dethier. 1996. Scaling up: the statistical linkage between organismal abundance and geomorphology on rocky intertidal shorelines. J. exp. mar. Biol. Ecol. 201:37-72.
Simenstad, C.A., M.N. Dethier, C. Levings and D. Hay. 1996. The Terrestrial/Marine Ecotone. Chapter 7 (pp. 149-187) in: The Rain Forests of Home: Profile of a North American Bioregion. P. Schoonmaker, B. von Hagen, and E. Wolf, editors. Island Press.
Schoch, G.C. and M.N. Dethier. 1998. Marine nearshore ecosystems: are they healthy? Exclusive Economic Zone Technology, 2nd Edition, pp. 27-32.
Hammerstrom, K., M.N. Dethier and D.O. Duggins. 1998. Rapid phlorotannin induction and relaxation in five Washington kelps. Marine Ecology Progress Series 165:293-305.
Van Alstyne, K.L., M.N. Dethier and D.O. Duggins. 2001. Spatial patterns in macroalgal chemical defenses. Chapter 8 (invited) in: J. McClintock and B. Baker, eds. Marine Chemical Ecology. CRC Press.
Dethier, M.N. and R.S. Steneck: Growth and persistence of diverse intertidal crusts: survival of the slow in a fast-paced world. In press, Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser.
Hacker, S.D., D. Heimer, C.E. Hellquist, B. Reeves, T. Riordan, and M.N. Dethier. The extent and possible consequences of a nonindigenous English Cordgrass invasion in the Pacific Northwest. In press, Biological Invasions.
Dethier, M.N. and R.R. Strathmann. Presence, absence, and traits of coastal marine species on a patch of rock distant from potential source populations. In press, Ecological Applications.
Dethier, M.N. and R.S. Steneck. 2001. Growth and persistence of diverse intertidal
crusts: survival of the slow in a fast-paced world. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 223:89-100.
Hacker, S.D., D. Heimer, C.E. Hellquist, T.G. Reeder, B. Reeves, T. Riordan,
and M.N. Dethier. 2001. A marine plant (Spartina anglica) invades
widely varying habitats: potential mechanisms of invasion and control. Biological
Invasions 3:211-217.
Haring, R.N., M.N. Dethier and S.L. Williams. 2002. Desiccation facilitates
wave-induced mortality of the intertidal alga, Fucus gardneri. Marine
Ecology Progress Series 232:75-82.
Dethier, M.N., K. McDonald, and R.R. Strathmann. 2003. Colonization and connectivity
of habitat patches for coastal marine species distant from source populations.
Conservation Biology 17:1024-1035.
Hacker, S.D. and M.N. Dethier. 2003. Community dependent invasion
and removal of English cordgrass, Spartina anglica, in Puget Sound,
Washington. Botanical Electronic News 312.
J.T. Wright, S.L. Williams and M.N. Dethier. 2004. No zone is always greener: Fucus
gardneriembryos, juveniles and adults are differentially affected by
season and zone. Marine Biology 145:1061-1073.
Dethier, M.N. and G.C. Schoch. 2005. The consequences of scale: assessing
the distribution of benthic populations in a complex estuarine fjord. Estuarine,
Coastal and Shelf Science 62:253-270.
Dethier, M.N., S.L. Williams and A. Freeman. 2005. Seaweeds under stress:
manipulated stress and herbivory affect critical life history functions. Ecological
Monographs 75:403-418.
Dethier, M.N. and S.D. Hacker. 2005. Physical factors vs. biotic resistance
in controlling the invasion of an estuarine marsh grass. Ecological Applications
Williams, S.L. and M.N. Dethier. 2005. High and dry: variation in net photosynthesis
of the intertidal seaweed, Fucus gardneri. Ecology 86:2375-2379.
Hacker, S.D. and M.N. Dethier. 2005. Where do we go from here? Alternative
control and restoration trajectories for a marine grass (Spartina anglica)
invader in different habitat types. Proceedings of the 3rd International Invasive Spartina Conference.
Cambridge Press.
Dethier, M.N. and G.C. Schoch. 2006. Taxonomic sufficiency in distinguishing
natural spatial patterns on an estuarine shoreline. Marine Ecology Progress
Series 306:41-49.
Murray, S.N., R.F. Ambrose and M.N. Dethier. 2006. Monitoring Rocky Shores.
U.C. Press.
Griffiths, J., M.N. Dethier, A. Newsom, J. Byers, J. Meyer, F. Oyarzun, and
H. Lenihan. 2006. Invertebrate community responses to recreational clam digging.
Marine Biology 149:1489-1497.
Hacker, S.D. and M.N. Dethier. 2006. Community modification by a grass invader
has differing impacts for marine habitats. Oikos 113:279-286.
Dethier, M.N. 2006. Native Shellfish in Nearshore Ecosystems of Puget Sound.
Puget Sound Nearshore Partnership Report No. 2006-04. Published by Seattle
District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle, Washington. 21 pp.
Dethier, M.N. 2007. Two invited chapters in: M.W. Denny and S.D. Gaines, eds.
Encyclopedia of Tidepools and Rocky Shores. University of California Press,
Allee, R.J., M.Dethier, D. Brown, L. Deegan, R.G. Ford, T.F. Hourigan, J.
Maragos, C. Schoch, K. Sealey, R. Twilley, M. Weinstein, and M. Yoklavich.
2000. Marine and Estuarine Ecosystem and Habitat Classification. NOAA Technical
Memorandum NMFS-F/SPO-43, 43 pp.
Dethier, M.N. and G.C. Schoch. 2000. The shoreline biota of Puget Sound: extending
spatial and temporal comparisons. Report for the Washington State Dept. of
Natural Resources, Nearshore Habitat Program, November 2000.
Schoch, G.C. and M.N. Dethier. 2001. The intertidal biota of Puget Sound gravel
beaches. Part 1. Spatial and temporal comparisons between 1999 and 2000. Part
2. Recommendations for future sampling. Report for the Washington State Dept.
of Natural Resources, Nearshore Habitat Program, April 2001.
Murray, S.N., R.F. Ambrose and M.N. Dethier. 2002. Methods for Performing
Monitoring, Impact, and Ecological Studies on Rocky Shores. OCS Study MMS 01-070.
Dethier, M.N., G.C. Schoch and J. Ruesink. 2003. Spatial and temporal variability
of shoreline biota in south and central Puget Sound: 2001 samples and analyses.
Report for the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources, Nearshore Habitat
Program, May 2003.
Dethier, M.N. 2003. Biotic inventory and recommendations for long-term monitoring
at Perego’s Lagoon, Whidbey Island. Report to The Nature Conservancy
of Washington, December 2003.
Dethier, M.N. and S.D. Hacker. 2004. Improving management practices for invasive
cordgrass in the Pacific Northwest: a case study of Spartina anglica.
Washington Sea Grant Program, WSG-AS 04-05. 21 pp.
Dethier, M.N. 2005. Spatial patterns and temporal trends in shoreline biota
in Puget Sound: analyses of data collected through 2004. Report for the Washington
State Dept. of Natural Resources, Nearshore Habitat Program, June 2005.
Dethier, M.N. 2006. Subtidal surveys of Yellow and Low Islands. Report to
The Nature Conservancy, November 2006.
Dethier, M.N. 2006 and 2007, Editor. Valued Ecosystem Components Report Series.
Published by Seattle District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Seattle, Washington
and by Washington Sea Grant.
Dethier, M.N. 2007. Long-term and seasonal trends of shoreline biota in Puget
Sound: analyses of data collected through 2006. Report to the Washington State
Dept. of Natural Resources, Nearshore Habitat Program, June 2007.
Dethier, M.N. 2007. Subtidal surveys of the Wasp Islands, San Juan County:
2006-2007 data comparison. Report to The Nature Conservancy, November 2007.
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