

Study Sites

Diversity Pattern

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Shoreline Productivity

Hypothesis: Local shoreline productivity (growth rates of both plants and animals) is closely linked in space and time with food supply rather than with other factors such as temperature.

Results: i) Oysters grew faster at the southern sites. ii) Barnacles and seaweed show no north-south growth rate pattern.

Figure 1. Daily growth (mm shell length/day) of juvenile oysters (Crassostrea gigas) transplanted to six sites in Puget Sound, July-September 2002. Bars are means (± SE) of three tiles permanently submerged (moorings) or placed at mean lower low water (pilings). Moorings at two sites disappeared.


Figure 2. Daily growth (mm shell length/day) and stable isotope ratios of juvenile oysters (Crassostrea gigas) transplanted to six sites in Puget Sound, July-September 2002. Oysters on ceramic tiles were attached to pilings at mean lower low water. Bars are means (+SE) of <3 tiles. Budd Inlet is the site in the upper right hand corner, enriched in 15N and with relatively high secondary productivity.

Figure 3. Relative growth rates of Fucus plants set out at the 9 beaches during Summer 2005. Growth was highly variable both among plants and among beaches, but overall there was little predictable pattern. Plants at two of the Budd Inlet beaches grew faster than at most of the other beaches, perhaps because of the warmer water temperatures there.


Shoreline Species Diversity and Biomass

Hypothesis: Sites with higher shoreline productivity have higher species diversity and higher biomass of organisms.

Results: i) Species diversity is low at southern sites and high at northern sites ii)Biomasses are much higher at the northern sites.

Figure 4. Data from the biomass samples done at the 9 main beaches in 2004 and 2005. A. Species richness in these samples, divided by trophic categories. B. Biomass (average per beach) divided by trophic categories, with two disproportionately large taxa removed (see text). C. Biomass including all taxa, categorized by surface vs. infaunal taxa.



Hypothesis: Sites with higher rates of recruitment, i.e. colonization of the shoreline by larvae and spores of marine animals and plants, have higher diversity.

Results: i) There is no north-south gradient in recruit richness.

Figure 5. A. Number of taxa of recruits found per site on each sampling date. The value for each site is the mean and s.d. from the 3 beaches per site; each beach value is the average among the 5 replicate sleeves.  Only one sediment type (Coarse) was used at Brown. B. Number of individual recruits found per sleeve on each sampling date. Means and s.d. calculated as in A. Values do not include those of the very abundant polychaete Armandia brevis.


Figure 6 . A. Richness of recruits found per beach in June 2005, with all 9 beaches and 2 sediment treatments illustrated. Values are mean and s.d. per beach among the 5 replicate sleeves per beach. B. Total (summed) numbers of recruits per site on each sampling date, categorized by trophic position (see Table 1). Sediment treatments are pooled per beach.

Table 1. Taxa identified as lifestyle categories. In Trophic, Carn = carnivore, Omniv = omnivore, Susp = suspension feeder, Surf Dep = surface deposit feeder, Sun Surf Dep = subsurface deposit feeder.


Shoreline Sediment Size

Hypothesis: Sites with more fine sediments (i.e. more sand and mud, fewer pebbles and cobbles) increase recruitment of organisms that live in sediment but reduce recruitment of surface species.

Results: i) South sites have fewer cobbles and more sand on the surface. When cobbles are excluded however the sediment sizes do not show a clear north-south pattern (e.g. Budd sites don't really have more fines. ii) The south most site (Budd) did however have the highest infaunal recruitment (See Figure 5 B).

Note: Data on recruitment of surface species is still being analysed.

Figure 7. Percent covers of surface sand and cobble in the years and beaches where both these parameters were measured. All beaches are shown from south (left) to north (right) (e.g. Normandy South is the left-most of the 3 Normandy bars).



Hypothesis: Predation by a variety of consumers, especially crabs and fishes, is higher at the south sites than the north, reducing both diversity and abundance of clams that recruit to these beaches. This predation in the south is severe enough to result in few clams (and other infauna) surviving for as long as a year.

Results: i) There was a high mortality rate of clam recruits at southern sites. ii) Sediment cores with mesh tops to prevent predation did not increase juvenile clam richness.

Figure 8 . Mean number of new clam recruits per sediment core at each site from June through August.


Figure 9. Number of juvenile clams survivng until September in sediment cores with (to keep out predators) and without mesh tops.


Figure 10. Clam diveristy per tube survivng until September in sediment cores with mesh tops (to keep out predators) and without mesh tops.


Physical Stresses

Hypothesis: Relatively subtle increases in physical stresses, especially from higher temperatures and lower salinities, reduce survival of newly recruited organisms on the southern beaches, resulting in lower diversity and biomass of organisms there.

Note: We have not performed physiological experiments on survival of young clams under different physically stressful regimes; this research will necessitate detailed lab experiments. Rather, we correlated differences in survival and growth of clams among beaches with physical differences among beaches, and also studied the timing of loss of young recruits (e.g. over the course of the summer, in the predation experiment).

Results: i) Nearshore temperatures are higher and more variable at southern sites. ii) Beach surface temperatures are higher and more variable at southern sites. iii) Nearshore salinity is lower and more variable in the south Puget Sound. iv) Beaches in south Puget Sound experience more extreme temperatures and salinities, but it is subtle

Figure 11. Temperatures from 3 sets of Tidbit dataloggers at each beach. Points are weekly averages. Sediment Tidbits (panel C) were removed earlier than the other sets.


Figure 12. Porewater temperatures and salinities at all 9 beaches during June sampling periods. Data were taken in 3 holes dug per beach (at MLLW); values given are averages among these 3 holes.


Figure 13. Nearshore salinities measured just offshore of each beach approximately every 6 weeks over 26 months.