The "international system" of the game Diplomacy is characterized by power and ambition. Military capability is the only "currency" and all nations strive to dominate the world. As such it is a simplification of the real world of international politics which matches well with the simplifying assumptions that neorealists like Waltz make about the core nature of international politics. Thus, predictions that Waltz makes about the behavior of nation-states should work well in accounting for the actions that you (your nation) and other nations took in the game. Your paper should address two issues. First, what strategy did your nation pursue to "win" and why did it succeed or fail (this should take approximately two pages). Second, discuss how well (or poorly) Waltz’s arguments and predictions worked in the Diplomacy game that you participated in. Pay particular attention to his arguments about the uniformity of behavior of actors, the role of alliances, the ability to achieve and/or maintain balances of power, the effectiveness of and types of communication and negotiations, and the prevalence of unintended consequences (this should take up the bulk of your paper).