AI in Healthcare

Enhance clinical decision-making, improve patient outcomes, and optimize system efficiency

My research centers on applying artificial intelligence to solve critical challenges in healthcare (Ahmad et al., 2018) (Lammers et al., 2021) (Mahajan et al., 2013). I have worked on disease prediction, patient flow optimization, LLMs, and the use of AI in decision support systems in clinical settings. I have worked on predictive models for disease onset and progression e.g., pressure injury (Ahmad et al., 2021), diabetes (Lim et al., 2021). I have worked on fraud and waste analysis (Liu et al., 2018) in healthcare systems, where AI tools can identify inefficiencies and reduce unnecessary costs. My research on patient flow includes analyzing care deferral (Ahmad et al., 2022), risk of readmission (Eckert et al., 2019) pediatric intensive care units (Ahmad et al., 2021), optimization in emergency departments (Padthe et al., 2021), and other hospital environments (Eckert et al., 2018). These efforts aim to improve resource allocation, reduce patient wait times, and enhance overall care delivery across healthcare systems.

More recently, I have been working on the application of large language models in electronic health records (EHRs) to enhance insight generation, improve clinical outcomes, and improve mental health (Jaiswal et al., 2024) . Furthermore, I focus on predicting end-of-life scenarios (Ahmad et al., 2018) to better inform palliative care and patient management strategies. Another area of exploration is algorithmic nudging, where I investigate how subtle AI suggestions can improve health outcomes at scale for millions of patients. Another recent project is the use of combining machine learning and simulation modeing to build digital twins of hospital systems at scale (Ahmad et al., 2023).



  1. ACM BCB
    Building Personality-Adaptive Conversational AI for Mental Health Therapy
    Sugam Jaiswal, Joyce Lee, Joe Berria, and 4 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 15th ACM International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology and Health Informatics, 2024


  1. ICHI
    Validation of a Hospital Digital Twin with Machine Learning
    Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Vijay Chickarmane, Farinaz Sabz Ali Pour, and 2 more authors


  1. ArXiV
    Machine Learning for Deferral of Care Prediction
    Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Raafia Ahmed, Dr Steve Overman, and 3 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.01485, 2022


  1. Annals of Surgery
    A surgeon’s guide to machine learning
    Daniel T Lammers, Carly M Eckert, Muhammad A Ahmad, and 2 more authors
    Annals of Surgery Open, 2021
    Machine learning approaches for pressure injury prediction
    Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Barrett Larson, Steve Overman, and 5 more authors
    In 2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2021
  3. ArXiV
    Machine Learning Approaches for Type 2 Diabetes Prediction and Care Management
    Aloysius Lim, Ashish Singh, Jody Chiam, and 4 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.07820, 2021
    Machine learning approaches for patient state prediction in pediatric ICUs
    Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Eduardo Antonio Trujillo Rivera, Pollack MD Murray, and 3 more authors
    In 2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Healthcare Informatics (ICHI), 2021
  5. ArXiV
    Emergency Department Optimization and Load Prediction in Hospitals
    Karthik K Padthe, Vikas Kumar, Carly M Eckert, and 4 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.03672, 2021


  1. ACI
    Development and prospective validation of a machine learning-based risk of readmission model in a large military hospital
    Carly Eckert, Neris Nieves-Robbins, Elena Spieker, and 8 more authors
    Applied clinical informatics, 2019


  1. ACM-BCB
    Interpretable machine learning in healthcare
    Muhammad Aurangzeb Ahmad, Carly Eckert, and Ankur Teredesai
    Proceedings of the 2018 ACM international conference on bioinformatics, computational biology, and health informatics, 2018
  2. SIAM
    Automatic detection of excess healthcare spending and cost variation in ACOs
    Eric Liu, Muhammad A Ahmad, Carly Eckert, and 5 more authors
  3. Thorax
    S45 predicting likelihood of emergency department admission prior to triage: utilising machine learning within a COPD cohort
    C Eckert, M Ahmad, K Zolfaghar, and 3 more authors
  4. IAAI
    Death vs. data science: predicting end of life
    Muhammad Ahmad, Carly Eckert, Greg McKelvey, and 3 more authors
    In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2018


  1. Patent
    Systems and methods for programming implantable medical devices
    Deepa Mahajan, Yanting Dong, and Muhammad A Ahmad
    US Patent 8,346,369