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Subscribing to an RSS Feed

Getting an RSS Reader Program
Subscribing to an RSS Feed
Adding a Feed Using RssReader

Updated: 12/10/05
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Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feeds are an easy way to allow websites to notify you when it has new content. This requires only two things

  1. An RSS reader program
  2. Websites that provide RSS feeds


Getting an RSS Reader Program

There are many applications which function as RSS readers. We recommend RssReader. Some other readers are shown in Table 1.

Table 1: Different RSS Readers
Name Logo URL
RssReader (recommended) http://www.rssreader.com
RssOwl http://www.rssowl.org
Rocket Rss Reader http://reader.rocketinfo.com/desktop

Download and install your reader of choice.


Subscribing to an RSS Feed

Once you have the RSS reader installed, all that is left is to subscribe to an RSS feed of your choice.

  1. Find a website that supplies RSS feeds. Sites that supply RSS feeds typically have an orange RSS button or and orange XML button . Also look for the words "rss feeds". An example is shown below in Figure 1.

    Figure 1: An example of an RSS button on a webpage

  2. Now acquire the URL of the feed. There are two ways to do this.

    Method 1: Right click on the RSS button and select "Copy Shortcut"
    Method 2: Click on the RSS button. Most likely, you will be taken to an .xml page that looks Figure 2.

    Figure 2: Example of an .XML page

    Copy down the current URL of the .xml page (this is the address in the address bar)

  3. At this point, you have the URL of the feed copied down. Start your RSS reader application and add the feed.


Adding a Feed Using RssReader

  1. Click on the "Add" button as shown in Figure 3

    Figure 3: RssReader showing "Add" button

  2. The "RssReader - add new feed" window should pop up. If you followed the steps above correctly, the correct RSS URL should already be entered. If it is not, simply paste the URL into the form as shown in Figure 4.

    Figure 4: RssReader - add new feed window

  3. Click "Next"

  4. Enter in an appropriate Feed title (this is how it will be displayed on your reader) and then click "Next"

  5. Select a group to add the feed to and click "OK"

  6. The new feeds from the site are loaded into your reader.

    Figure 5: Site now added to reader


Alison Lum Events
Calum Consulting
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