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The Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay

Price Paid: $8.99 (used)
Release Date: 6/1/2004
Date Purchased: 2/17/2006
Condition: complete
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Reviewed by CL on 2/28/2006

If you read most other reviews of this game, you’ll see that most other people really enjoyed this game. I agree that this game tries to be an innovative mixture of both adventure and FPS game, but I find that the execution is just too cumbersome to be fun. The game has you trying to escape a maximum security prison. This sounds like great fun and the game gives you all kinds of moves like dropping on top of guards to knock them out picking up bodies to hide in the shadows. The only problem is that although you have these moves at your disposal, you actually never get to use them. I honestly used the drop-on-top-of-a-guard move only once during the entire game, and that was during the scripted tutorial section where the game was showing me how to do this move. This is a problem because the game is just so short. I beat this game in a single weekend. You never get a chance to really get into the swing of things and really become comfortable with the combat and dynamics of the game. To its credit, this game doesn’t try to be another cookie cutter FPS where you just run around and shoot things. It is much more like Breakdown with hand-to-hand combat or Deus Ex: Invisible War where there is more of a feel of RPG elements. Despite these innovations, Chronicles of Riddick is just too darn short for its own good and it is only mildly entertaining to play.

Alison Lum Events
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