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Advantage Joystick

Price Paid: unknown (used)
Release Date: unknown
Date Purchased: unknown
Condition: item only
Hardware Rating Guide    

Reviewed by CL on unknown

This was another good idea that seemed like it would be great, but just wasn't great in practice. The entire thing was too clunky to be useful. The joystick and the buttons were fairly large and they took some effort to move around. Most of the Nintendo games are twitchy games where you need really good reflexes and any microseconds you lose pushing a huge button or swinging around a large joystick could put you in the bottom of a pit. However, to compensate for this, the designers added a slow motion feature to help you. Unfortunately, this slow motion feature was simply the joystick pressing the start button really fast so the game paused, then unpaused, then paused, etc. This only worked for games that didn't bring up a menu screen or something when you hit start.

Overall, this isn't a very good product and it is only good as a piece of memorabilia that might look kind of cool as a paperweight.

Alison Lum Events
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